P. 32

An energy conservation,
protection and new
energy industrial
park is about to rise
in Chancheng, a
treasure land in Foshan,
Guangdong Province!

By Guangdong Energy Conservation Association

Foshan in Guangdong Province, China is an exchange, promotion, matching, financial service,
important node city in Guangdong-Hong Kong- talent training and so on about energy conservation,
Macao Greater Bay Area. Chancheng District is the environmental protection and new energy, serves
political, economic and cultural center of Foshan. the Greater Bay Area and radiates South China.
“Energy Conservation, Environmental Protection Chancheng of Foshan will grant the most favorable
and New Energy” is the third name card that policies to production-study-research enterprises
Foshan tries hard to promote after “Made in Shunde settling in the base. The energy conservation base
of Foshan” and “FintTech of Nanhai District of will also invite academicians at home and abroad to
Foshan”. set up an academician office in the base to support
industrial development and create an everlasting
Commissioned by National Development and expo for energy conservation, environmental
Reform Commission and National Energy protection and new energy.
Conservation Center, Guangdong Energy
Conservation Association will set up an energy Participants of the energy conservation base:
conservation, environmental protection and
new energy industry demonstration base (a National Energy Conservation Center, a public
national base; hereinafter referred to as the institution directly under National Development
“energy conservation base”) so as to foster an and Reform Commission, was established with
industrial agglomeration zone for the research and the approval of State Commission Office of Public
development of energy conservation, environmental Sectors Reform. It mainly undertakes researches on
protection and new energy technology and a energy conservation policies, regulations, planning
headquarters base, and to meet actual needs of and management systems.
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
for green manufacturing upgrading and high- Founded in June 2009, Guangdong Energy
quality industrial development. The base is located Conservation Association is a provincial
in the Chanchen park of Foshan National Hi-tech professional organization for energy conservation
Industrial Development Zone. registered by the Department of Civil Affairs
of Guangdong Province with the approval of
The energy conservation base covers an area of the former Guangdong Provincial Economic
100,000m2. As a comprehensive industrial base, and Information Commission (now known as
it integrates policy publicity, exhibition, display, the Department of Industry and Information
technology research and development, international Technology of Guangdong Province). It is also
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