P. 33
industrial energy conservation diagnostic efficient recovery. The cold water dynamic ice
service organization of the Ministry of Industry slurry technology won the First Prize of Science
and Information Technology of China and an and Technology Progress of Chinese Association of
energy conservation service unit registered in Refrigeration and the high-tech product validation
Guangdong Province. It is mainly engaged in of Guangdong Province. As an internationally
energy conservation, environmental protection, advanced technology, it firmly occupies a leading
energy storage and new energy, with nearly 600 position in China. This technology is widely used
members. It has 14 organization members and in cold accumulation of central air conditioning,
more than 3,000 corporate members. Its members cooling process, mobile constant cold source and
include energy conservation equipment (product) so on. Specific examples include cold accumulation
manufacturers, energy conservation technology of air conditioning of Beijing Future Science City
service enterprises, green and environmental and Shenzhen Qianhai Regional Energy Station,
protection enterprises, intelligent manufacturing and cooling process of Yili Group and Bright Dairy.
enterprises and green financial enterprises. Its This project will integrate all core technologies,
business covers industrial energy conservation, products, markets and technical teams of Moon
building energy conservation, transportation Kolin and its shareholders. The company has a
energy conservation, public institution energy professional technical research and development
conservation, intelligent manufacturing, green team, operation and management team, production
industry, energy conservation and environmental and manufacturing management team, and
protection consulting, clean production, circular marketing management team. It will settle in the
economy, water conservation services, energy energy conservation science and technology park
storage, new energy and so on. The association has in Chancheng, Guangdong Province and cover an
an expert committee and an expert pool of about area of 20,000m2 with a 2,000m2 research and
300 experts especially for the government and development center. It looks forward to investment
enterprises. from investors.
We look forward to contact of Domestic and foreign Indirect dynamic ice slurry unit (only for cold
energy conservation, environmental protection and accumulation of air conditioning; won the high-tech
new energy teams, colleges and scientific research product validation of Guangdong Province)
institutions for common development with us.
Introduction to enterprises in the energy
Contact Person: Yanfang CHEN (陈艳芳) conservation park:
Tel: 020-38863542
Fax: 38847360 Guangzhou Ruidao New Energy Technology Co.,
Email: Ltd. was registered and established in May 2016 in
Address: F3 of the Institute of Intelligent Guangzhou. After years of technical accumulation,
Manufacturing, CAS, No. 100 Xianlie Middle Road, it has mastered a number of core technologies
Guangzhou and process innovation technologies of the whole
industrial chain of wide temperature lithium ion
Introduction to enterprises in the energy battery. It is dedicated to providing advanced, safe
conservation park:
Guangzhou Moon Kolin Energy Conservation
Technology Co., Ltd. was registered in Guangzhou
in May 2018. This is a project guided by the
Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conservation,
Chinese Academy of Sciences. With a team
consisting of its leaders Dr. Rui XIAO and Dr.
Jianjun ZHANG as well as nearly 10 members
holding a PhD or master’s degree, it is engaged in
research, development, production and construction
and has core technology products including cold
water dynamic ice slurry technology and NMP
service organization of the Ministry of Industry slurry technology won the First Prize of Science
and Information Technology of China and an and Technology Progress of Chinese Association of
energy conservation service unit registered in Refrigeration and the high-tech product validation
Guangdong Province. It is mainly engaged in of Guangdong Province. As an internationally
energy conservation, environmental protection, advanced technology, it firmly occupies a leading
energy storage and new energy, with nearly 600 position in China. This technology is widely used
members. It has 14 organization members and in cold accumulation of central air conditioning,
more than 3,000 corporate members. Its members cooling process, mobile constant cold source and
include energy conservation equipment (product) so on. Specific examples include cold accumulation
manufacturers, energy conservation technology of air conditioning of Beijing Future Science City
service enterprises, green and environmental and Shenzhen Qianhai Regional Energy Station,
protection enterprises, intelligent manufacturing and cooling process of Yili Group and Bright Dairy.
enterprises and green financial enterprises. Its This project will integrate all core technologies,
business covers industrial energy conservation, products, markets and technical teams of Moon
building energy conservation, transportation Kolin and its shareholders. The company has a
energy conservation, public institution energy professional technical research and development
conservation, intelligent manufacturing, green team, operation and management team, production
industry, energy conservation and environmental and manufacturing management team, and
protection consulting, clean production, circular marketing management team. It will settle in the
economy, water conservation services, energy energy conservation science and technology park
storage, new energy and so on. The association has in Chancheng, Guangdong Province and cover an
an expert committee and an expert pool of about area of 20,000m2 with a 2,000m2 research and
300 experts especially for the government and development center. It looks forward to investment
enterprises. from investors.
We look forward to contact of Domestic and foreign Indirect dynamic ice slurry unit (only for cold
energy conservation, environmental protection and accumulation of air conditioning; won the high-tech
new energy teams, colleges and scientific research product validation of Guangdong Province)
institutions for common development with us.
Introduction to enterprises in the energy
Contact Person: Yanfang CHEN (陈艳芳) conservation park:
Tel: 020-38863542
Fax: 38847360 Guangzhou Ruidao New Energy Technology Co.,
Email: Ltd. was registered and established in May 2016 in
Address: F3 of the Institute of Intelligent Guangzhou. After years of technical accumulation,
Manufacturing, CAS, No. 100 Xianlie Middle Road, it has mastered a number of core technologies
Guangzhou and process innovation technologies of the whole
industrial chain of wide temperature lithium ion
Introduction to enterprises in the energy battery. It is dedicated to providing advanced, safe
conservation park:
Guangzhou Moon Kolin Energy Conservation
Technology Co., Ltd. was registered in Guangzhou
in May 2018. This is a project guided by the
Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conservation,
Chinese Academy of Sciences. With a team
consisting of its leaders Dr. Rui XIAO and Dr.
Jianjun ZHANG as well as nearly 10 members
holding a PhD or master’s degree, it is engaged in
research, development, production and construction
and has core technology products including cold
water dynamic ice slurry technology and NMP