P. 29
d in the production process reeks of chemicals the government and industry can pursue better
and metals that can affect your health. enforcement against counterfeiters – a few best
practices they should consider include:
Even popular children’s toys are not exempt.
Law enforcement officials have already seized • Prevent: Online sellers should be vetted
counterfeit holiday toys that pose undisclosed and verified as safe before they’re able to attract
choking hazards and contain high levels of lead consumers to their online marketplace. That
and other harmful compounds. verification process should be revisited on a
regular basis, and that verification system should
It might seem like these examples are the ensure that multiple online accounts by the same
exception to the rule, but they’re not. The global seller are tracked to the originating seller.
scope of physical counterfeiting is the largest it
has even been – measured at $509 billion dollars • Respond: The process to register and
by the Organization for Economic Cooperation request enforcement action against counterfeiters
and Development. According to the Department for rights holders – the companies or individuals
of Homeland Security, from 2008 through 2018, that own the intellectual property attached to
seizures of infringing goods increased from 6,500 products, like the brand name of a fashion label
to 33,810 while the domestic value of seized or the patent behind a popular toy or electronic –
merchandise — increased from $94 million in should be streamlined and simplified. Once that
2003 to $1.4 billion in 2018. process is completed, takedowns and measures to
prevent re-listing of the illicit goods should be fast
These numbers are striking, and e-commerce and effective.
platforms are responding to the challenge. Certain
online third-party marketplaces are working with • Report: The public should have access to
brand owners extensively to adopt swift takedown a rating system that tracks online sellers’ history,
procedures, pursue joint criminal actions, and including past counterfeiting violations.
encourage information sharing, among other
efforts. The teams are following new trends Government and industry have their marching
collaborating to remove counterfeit advertising orders. But what about everyone else? We can
and fraudulent listings on websites and on social make sure we know how to avoid the counterfeit
media. trade, and then we can help teach our friends
and family. In that spirit, GIPC has compiled the
Still, it is increasingly clear that to fully protect top ten tips to #ShopSmart. As you navigate the
consumers, businesses cannot do it alone. holiday shopping season, attach this list to your
They need partners in progress, specifically wish list.
through public-private partnership. Together,
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