P. 26
While the COVID-19 Vaccine is Within Reach,
Logistical Challenges and Funding Remain
Roadblocks in Distribution
By John Drake
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
In recent weeks we have seen impressive progress in January 2021. To accomplish this requires an
on the development of vaccines to combat the unprecedented level of coordination between the
COVID-19 pandemic. Companies like Pfizer and Federal, State and local governments and collective
Moderna have made great strides in advancing resources.
vaccines through clinical trials and are getting
closer to obtaining Food and Drug Administration These plans turn on important processes and
(FDA) approval. With other companies like Johnson details: everything from hiring and training a large
& Johnson and AstraZeneca not far behind, there is number of health care workers to administer a
reason to believe that we may finally be approaching vaccine and updating data to document who gets
the beginning of the end of this terrible health and it. We must have the systems in place to track the
economic crisis. patients that will need a follow up booster and to
make sure hospitals, drug stores, and other health
Logistical Challenges centers have the necessary infrastructure to store
vaccines, including refrigeration and dry ice. The
But much remains to be done, and as we learned country must have ready the necessary trucks,
at our October 29 event, Logistical Challenges of planes, and workers to transport millions of vials
Vaccine Distribution, there are several challenges and new facilities where mass vaccinations can be
ahead of us. administered.
Pharmaceutical innovators and the Administration’s In the Federal government, many disparate
Operation Warp Speed began making plans in agencies have worked for over six months to
the Spring to vaccinate every American beginning identify distribution opportunities that exist
While the COVID-19 Vaccine is Within Reach,
Logistical Challenges and Funding Remain
Roadblocks in Distribution
By John Drake
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
In recent weeks we have seen impressive progress in January 2021. To accomplish this requires an
on the development of vaccines to combat the unprecedented level of coordination between the
COVID-19 pandemic. Companies like Pfizer and Federal, State and local governments and collective
Moderna have made great strides in advancing resources.
vaccines through clinical trials and are getting
closer to obtaining Food and Drug Administration These plans turn on important processes and
(FDA) approval. With other companies like Johnson details: everything from hiring and training a large
& Johnson and AstraZeneca not far behind, there is number of health care workers to administer a
reason to believe that we may finally be approaching vaccine and updating data to document who gets
the beginning of the end of this terrible health and it. We must have the systems in place to track the
economic crisis. patients that will need a follow up booster and to
make sure hospitals, drug stores, and other health
Logistical Challenges centers have the necessary infrastructure to store
vaccines, including refrigeration and dry ice. The
But much remains to be done, and as we learned country must have ready the necessary trucks,
at our October 29 event, Logistical Challenges of planes, and workers to transport millions of vials
Vaccine Distribution, there are several challenges and new facilities where mass vaccinations can be
ahead of us. administered.
Pharmaceutical innovators and the Administration’s In the Federal government, many disparate
Operation Warp Speed began making plans in agencies have worked for over six months to
the Spring to vaccinate every American beginning identify distribution opportunities that exist