P. 27
ough the Departments of Defense, Health The Association of State and Territorial Health
and Human Services, and Transportation. In the Officials (ASTHO) estimates this effort will cost
business community, pharmaceutical companies at least $8.4 billion. State and local governments
are working with express carriers, hospitals, drug are already hurting from a pandemic that depleted
stores, airports, suppliers, and others to make sure budgets and overwhelmed hospitals; they simply do
that enough doses available next year and that not have the means to fund this effort.
these doses can be allocated and administered
where and when they are needed. At the same Therefore, the White House and Congress must
time, the business community is also working with step up. Unfortunately, so far they have failed to
State, local, and tribal governments to address the agree to a COVID relief bill that includes money
challenges of ensuring widespread distribution. for this effort. With so much on the line, including
public health, our economy, even allowing our kids
A tremendous amount of work is necessary for to return to school – this is simply inexcusable.
our country to be ready and able to distribute The Administration raised the stakes in vaccine
approximately 20 million doses before the end of development and distribution, and it would be a
the year and hundreds of millions more in 2021. real shame if Washington fails us now.
Funding Challenges
The amount of coordination and planning for this
event is unprecedented. But something critical is
missing - money.
and Human Services, and Transportation. In the Officials (ASTHO) estimates this effort will cost
business community, pharmaceutical companies at least $8.4 billion. State and local governments
are working with express carriers, hospitals, drug are already hurting from a pandemic that depleted
stores, airports, suppliers, and others to make sure budgets and overwhelmed hospitals; they simply do
that enough doses available next year and that not have the means to fund this effort.
these doses can be allocated and administered
where and when they are needed. At the same Therefore, the White House and Congress must
time, the business community is also working with step up. Unfortunately, so far they have failed to
State, local, and tribal governments to address the agree to a COVID relief bill that includes money
challenges of ensuring widespread distribution. for this effort. With so much on the line, including
public health, our economy, even allowing our kids
A tremendous amount of work is necessary for to return to school – this is simply inexcusable.
our country to be ready and able to distribute The Administration raised the stakes in vaccine
approximately 20 million doses before the end of development and distribution, and it would be a
the year and hundreds of millions more in 2021. real shame if Washington fails us now.
Funding Challenges
The amount of coordination and planning for this
event is unprecedented. But something critical is
missing - money.