P. 7
•The newly 3. Added 23 new technical items whose exports will
imposed restrictions be restricted, including artificial breeding technology
on 23 technology exports of agricultural wild plants, cashmere goat breeding
from China means that they and breeding technology, space material production
cannot be exported from the technology, large-scale high-speed wind tunnel design
country without a license. This and construction technology, aerospace bearing
is important to note for foreign technology, and laser technology, among others.
companies dealing with these
4. The last amendment modifies the control
segments. points and technical parameters of 21 technical
items involving crop breeding technology, aquatic
– an approval must be obtained from relevant germplasm breeding technology, chemical raw
commerce departments in charge at the provincial material production technology, biological pesticide
level prior to making substantive negotiation with production technology, spacecraft measurement
the foreign party and signing any contracts for the and control technology, space data transmission
technology export. technology, map mapping technology, information
processing technology, vacuum technology, among
What are the amendments to the other fields.
‘Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited or
Restricted from Export’? Application of the changes
1. Removed four technical items that are prohibited Since China’s joining the World Trade Organization
from export, including microbial fertilizer technology, (WTO) in 2001, a lot of reforms have been
caffeine production technology, riboflavin production implemented to adjust the country’s customs
technology, and vitamin fermentation technology. regulatory system to match international standards.
Today, given its current heavyweight position as a top
2. Removed five technical items that are restricted exporter of technologies – the latest restrictions and
from export, including Newcastle disease vaccine changes to China’s export control policy could matter
technology, natural medicine production technology, greatly to foreign countries.
functional polymer material preparation and
processing technology, chemical synthesis and semi- Indeed while the export liberalization of certain items
synthetic medicine production technology, and previously listed as prohibited will certainly benefit
information security firewall software technology. foreign stakeholders, the newly added restrictions
are another matter. But here the new changes must
be considered in the international context, paying
special attention to which technology exports will
now be controlled and how that could affect future
trade, investment, and/or economic and technical
For instance, among the newly restricted items,
the computer service industry has been subject to
substantial changes. Included among the stipulated
items that will now require licensing are some
of the newest and most important technologies,
such as information processing technology (which
include speech synthesis technology, artificial
intelligence interactive interface technology,
voice evaluation technology, intelligent scoring
technology, personalized information based on data
analysis push service technology) and cryptographic
security technology (which include cryptographic
chip design and implementation technology
and quantum cryptography technology). Other
items – now restricted – are high-performance
detection technology, information defense, and
countermeasures technologies.
imposed restrictions be restricted, including artificial breeding technology
on 23 technology exports of agricultural wild plants, cashmere goat breeding
from China means that they and breeding technology, space material production
cannot be exported from the technology, large-scale high-speed wind tunnel design
country without a license. This and construction technology, aerospace bearing
is important to note for foreign technology, and laser technology, among others.
companies dealing with these
4. The last amendment modifies the control
segments. points and technical parameters of 21 technical
items involving crop breeding technology, aquatic
– an approval must be obtained from relevant germplasm breeding technology, chemical raw
commerce departments in charge at the provincial material production technology, biological pesticide
level prior to making substantive negotiation with production technology, spacecraft measurement
the foreign party and signing any contracts for the and control technology, space data transmission
technology export. technology, map mapping technology, information
processing technology, vacuum technology, among
What are the amendments to the other fields.
‘Catalogue of Technologies Prohibited or
Restricted from Export’? Application of the changes
1. Removed four technical items that are prohibited Since China’s joining the World Trade Organization
from export, including microbial fertilizer technology, (WTO) in 2001, a lot of reforms have been
caffeine production technology, riboflavin production implemented to adjust the country’s customs
technology, and vitamin fermentation technology. regulatory system to match international standards.
Today, given its current heavyweight position as a top
2. Removed five technical items that are restricted exporter of technologies – the latest restrictions and
from export, including Newcastle disease vaccine changes to China’s export control policy could matter
technology, natural medicine production technology, greatly to foreign countries.
functional polymer material preparation and
processing technology, chemical synthesis and semi- Indeed while the export liberalization of certain items
synthetic medicine production technology, and previously listed as prohibited will certainly benefit
information security firewall software technology. foreign stakeholders, the newly added restrictions
are another matter. But here the new changes must
be considered in the international context, paying
special attention to which technology exports will
now be controlled and how that could affect future
trade, investment, and/or economic and technical
For instance, among the newly restricted items,
the computer service industry has been subject to
substantial changes. Included among the stipulated
items that will now require licensing are some
of the newest and most important technologies,
such as information processing technology (which
include speech synthesis technology, artificial
intelligence interactive interface technology,
voice evaluation technology, intelligent scoring
technology, personalized information based on data
analysis push service technology) and cryptographic
security technology (which include cryptographic
chip design and implementation technology
and quantum cryptography technology). Other
items – now restricted – are high-performance
detection technology, information defense, and
countermeasures technologies.