Page 38 - The South China Business Journal
P. 38

Ribbon-cutting Session at the 14th CAEXPO Opening Ceremony (Picture from

AmCham South China Sends First Delegation
to the 14th China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning

AmCham South China sent a delegation for Cooperation and
the first time to the 14th China-ASEAN Expo Development
(CAEXPO) Sep 11-13, 2017. After a 50 minutes flight where President
from Guangzhou to reach the capital city of Guangxi Harley gave a
Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning, the delega- speech on his area
tion found themselves in the busy gateway to South- of expertise.
eastern Asian countries during the city’s most event-
ful week throughout the year. ASEAN was

Led by the Chamber’s President Dr. Harley Seyedin, established in 1967 VPirceesiGdoenvetrDnro.rHoaf rYlueynnSaeynePdrinovainndce
the delegation was cordially received by the China-
ASEAN Expo Secretariat at the 14th CAEXPO Busi- in Bangkok. The are AmCham
ness Networking and other government and business member countries Standing
representatives from ASEAN countries. President Indonesia, Malay- Zong Guoyi
Harley showed strong will for AmCham member
companies in his opening remarks and stressed the sia, Philippines,
need for collaboration with businesses in both Nan-
ning and ASEAN countries. Singapore, Thai-

The Opening Ceremony began the next day with H.E. land, Brunei,
Vice Premier of China’s State Council Zhang Gaoli wel-
coming leaders, ministerial dignitaries and business Vietnam, Laos,
executives of China, ASEAN, and other countries along
the Belt and Road. The AmCham South China delega- Myanmar, and
tion had the honor to meet with Standing Vice Gover-
nor of Yunnan Province Zong Guoyi. The productive Cambodia. The
meeting lasted several hours before the delegation
attended the China-ASEAN Forum on Electric Power ASEAN region

36 AmCham South China has a combined

gross domestic CCohoinpae-rAatSiEonANanFdoDruemveolonpEmleecnttric

product of nearly Power
US$700 billion,

and a total trade of US$850 billion. CA-

EXPO is an international economic and trade com-

munication event, held in Nanning City of Guangxi
every year since 2004.■
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