Page 34 - The South China Business Journal
P. 34
mmunity News

Ms. Betsy Shieh, Principal Commercial Officer (PCO) of the U.S.
Consulate in Guangzhou

AmCham South China Mr. Christopher M. Smith, Chief of the Economic/Political Section of the
U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou

Welcomes New Consulate Leaders

We are fortunate to welcome Ms. Betsy Shieh to joining the Commercial Service she studied and
and Chris Smith, two highly seasoned and worked in China off and on beginning in 1982. She is
capable members of our Consulate’s diplomatic Corp married to a professor of international politics and
to our community. We are most fortunate to have has two grown children. She speaks Chinese, Por-
these highly capable officers in Guangzhou and look tuguese, Vietnamese, Spanish, and French, in that
forward to working with them and offering our out- order of fluency.
most support.
Christopher M. Smith is currently the Chief of the
Betsy is Principal Commercial Officer (PCO) at the Economic/Political Section at the United States
U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China as of August Consulate in Guangzhou, China. As a career member
2017. She previously served as PCO in Ho Chi Minh of the United States Foreign Service, he was arrived in
City, Vietnam, and did three consecutive tours as China after serving most recently as Deputy Director
Commercial Officer in Beijing, China. Throughout of the State Department’s Office of Taiwan Coordina-
her foreign service career Betsy has developed market tion in Washington, DC. He has also served as an
entry strategies for U.S. companies from diverse in- Economic Officer in Kyiv, Ukraine, Political Officer in
dustry sectors including aviation, energy and envi- Beijing, China, a Consular and Public Affairs Officer
ronment, healthcare, and smart cities. in Tallinn, Estonia, and a Public Diplomacy, Econom-
ic, and Political Officer in Maseru, Lesotho. Before
Prior to joining the Commercial Service, Betsy held joining the State Department, he worked at the U.S.
various positions promoting international business Commerce Department and the Baltic-American
at private and non-profit organizations in the greater Enterprise Fund. He holds an M.A. In Russian and
New York region, including the Port Authority of NY Eastern European Studies from George Washington
and NJ and the Hudson Valley World Trade Center. University and a B.A. in International Relations from
Rollins College. He has been married to his wife, Na-
Betsy has a Master’s Degree in International Public talya, for 17 years and they have two children, Andrew
Administration and a Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign and Elena.
Languages, both from New York University. Prior

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