Page 30 - The South China Business Journal
P. 30
mmunity News
AmCham Roundtable with Michigan China Trade Mission
Having tight economic and trade relations with China, The Michigan-Guangdong Matchmaking Exchange Meet-
Michigan’s total volume of import and export to ing followed on the next day, where the U.S. Consul General
China reached USD$13.14 billion in 2016. Led by State Mr. Charles Bennett addressed the opening. According to
Governor Mr. Rick Snyder, a delegation of over a dozen of Governor Snyder, the State of Michigan has gained tremen-
entrepreneurs from Michigan had a productive business dous benefits in its economic transition and development
roundtable with AmCham’s selected member companies on from cooperation with China. This was the seventh delega-
Aug 1 at Ritz Carlton Guangzhou. tion he’s taken to China since he took office.
French National Day Swiss National Day
French National Day was held on the evening of July To honor the 726th anniversary of the foundation
14, organized by the French Chamber of Commerce of the Swiss Confederation, the Consul General
and Industry in China (CCIFC) and the Nikko Hotel of Switzerland in Guangzhou Mr. Didier Boschung
Guangzhou, and supported by the Consulate General of and his wife invited many public figures to attend their
France in Canton. The French and Chinese communities cocktail reception at Grand Hyatt Hotel Guangzhou,
gathered around the splendid pool and garden of the five- Aug 1. During the celebration, Mr. Didier Boschung
star hotel to celebrate this historical day while discovering referred to the long-standing relations between Swit-
the French culture. zerland and China as a model of friendship.
28 AmCham South China
AmCham Roundtable with Michigan China Trade Mission
Having tight economic and trade relations with China, The Michigan-Guangdong Matchmaking Exchange Meet-
Michigan’s total volume of import and export to ing followed on the next day, where the U.S. Consul General
China reached USD$13.14 billion in 2016. Led by State Mr. Charles Bennett addressed the opening. According to
Governor Mr. Rick Snyder, a delegation of over a dozen of Governor Snyder, the State of Michigan has gained tremen-
entrepreneurs from Michigan had a productive business dous benefits in its economic transition and development
roundtable with AmCham’s selected member companies on from cooperation with China. This was the seventh delega-
Aug 1 at Ritz Carlton Guangzhou. tion he’s taken to China since he took office.
French National Day Swiss National Day
French National Day was held on the evening of July To honor the 726th anniversary of the foundation
14, organized by the French Chamber of Commerce of the Swiss Confederation, the Consul General
and Industry in China (CCIFC) and the Nikko Hotel of Switzerland in Guangzhou Mr. Didier Boschung
Guangzhou, and supported by the Consulate General of and his wife invited many public figures to attend their
France in Canton. The French and Chinese communities cocktail reception at Grand Hyatt Hotel Guangzhou,
gathered around the splendid pool and garden of the five- Aug 1. During the celebration, Mr. Didier Boschung
star hotel to celebrate this historical day while discovering referred to the long-standing relations between Swit-
the French culture. zerland and China as a model of friendship.
28 AmCham South China