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mmunity News

32nd Anniversary Celebration
of LN Garden Hotel, Guangzhou

On the evening of Friday, August 18th, 2017, the LN scene with a surprise dance performance to welcome
Garden Hotel, Guangzhou celebrated its 32nd the guests. A white carpet surrounded by white flowers
Anniversary with a spectacular “White Party” gala to led the guests from the lobby to the ballroom, and once
honor the hotel and to thank loyal supporters. More than inside, they were greeted by white walls decorated with
500 valued guests and loyal patrons enjoyed an evening beautiful flower patterns. Later in the evening, a mes-
filled with rich entertainment and great food. The event’s merizing performance by Maria Wong, the first female
“white” theme permeated the food menu, dress code and Chinese jazz singer, made the event a memorable one.
ambience. The lobby was transformed into a frosted party

Trinity International Kin-
dergarten Guangzhou
Opens in the Heart of
Zhujiang New Town

The founding Director, Ms Elaine Whelen, spoke The hours suit busy parents and at-home parents alike:
at the opening ceremony on Monday 17th August: 9:00-3-30 plus an after-school care option until 5:30 each
“There is a burst of investment excitement in China since day. Trinity offers a choice of clubs such as Taekwondo,
the two-child policy was released. However, education ballet and soccer, for 3-6 years, at 3:30 and 4:30 Mon-Fri.
is not a commodity, nor is it merely a curriculum, it is a
treasured gift. We all remember how particular teachers English lessons and Chinese lessons are offered twice
touched our lives. Trinity nurtures every child to develop a week for Trinity parents (Mon/Wed, Tue/Thu) and
their curiosity, caring and passion for learning in an age- parenting classes are offered every Friday afternoon. It’s a
appropriate way. As a bilingual and international cur- family school in the heart of Zhujiang New Town.
riculum kindergarten, Trinity prepares children from 2-6
years of age for international, local and bilingual schools Come and visit Trinity. Bring your child to play or for a
trial lesson.
Most families can consider walking or riding a bike to
school because Trinity is only minutes from Canton Place, Contact: Swanie 86-20-8558 3287 / 86-20-180 2237 7150
Canton Residences, Babylon Towers, Cosmos and many Email:
popular housing complexes. Trinity has a shuttle bus for Address: No. 663 Hua Cheng Da Dao, Zhu Jiang New Town, Tianhe
other parts of Zhujiang New Town. District, Guangzhou

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