Page 27 - The South China Business Journal
P. 27
ture from ness operations,” said McHugh. “With 14 million U.S.
jobs dependent on trade with Mexico and Canada,
while 62 percent see it as just one of many factors alterations to NAFTA such as changing the rules of
contributing to the loss of those jobs. In fact, 56 per- origin for manufactured goods could adversely affect
cent of Americans and half of unemployed Americans employment and lead to the price of everyday goods
(50 percent), defined as those who are not currently going up.”
employed full-time, part-time or self-employed, agree
that technological advancements, such as robotics and Just less than one-third of Americans (32 percent)
automation, have played a greater role than NAFTA believe the United States has made the right decision
in the loss of American manufacturing jobs. Even in to renegotiate NAFTA. Among that population, three
the Midwest and Northeast, the areas most affected in five (60 percent) believe it’s because the agreement
by manufacturing job loss, 65 percent and 58 percent needs to be modernized, while the remainder (40 per-
respectively believe NAFTA is just one of many factors cent) believe the trade deal is unfair to the U.S. At the
contributing to the loss of those jobs and just more same time, nearly one in five (17 percent) believe re-
than half of Americans in both regions feel productiv- negotiating or withdrawing from the deal is the wrong
ity-enhancing technologies have played a bigger role approach, either because it is already an effective agree-
than NAFTA with respect to those job losses (56 per- ment or because doing so could harm key industries.■
cent in the Midwest and 55 percent in the Northeast).
Survey Methodology
The survey also suggests Americans understand the This survey was conducted online within the United States by
nature of the country’s economy has changed sub- Harris Poll on behalf of Livingston International from June 28-30,
stantially. Forty-three percent of Americans believe 2017 among 2,264 U.S. adults ages 18 and older, among whom 1,169
the trade deal has played an influential role in the are currently not employed full-time, not employed part-time, or are
growth of America’s knowledge economy, while fewer self-employed.
than two in five Americans (38 percent) believe a U.S.
withdrawal from NAFTA would bring back most of the About Livingston International
manufacturing jobs lost since NAFTA was signed. Livingston International focuses on customs brokerage and trade
compliance, offering international trade consulting, global trade
“In many ways, these sentiments echo much of the management and freight forwarding. It provides clarity in a world of
feedback industry groups have already provided to trade complexity, so business can grow further, faster and smarter.
the Office of the United States Trade Representa- Livingston employs almost 3,500 staff at 100 key border points, sea
tive, namely that there is an opportunity to update ports, airports and other strategic locations across North America,
or modernize NAFTA, but that there should not be a Europe and Asia.
complete withdrawal or any extensive modification of
the agreement that could dramatically disrupt busi-

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