Page 26 - SCBJ-201610
P. 26
the Best Business City in
Mainland China
LOCATED IN SOUTHERN China, with while the overseas investment was US$5.1 they have made or will make profits in
an area of 7434.4 square kilometers billion. the next two years. Out of which, 7.4%
and a population of more than 16 million, said their profits were far beyond their
Guangzhou is the capital city of Guang- As one of the most popular cities with expectations, with the figure twice as that
dong Province, an important national international investors in China, Guang- in 2015.
center city of China as well as an interna- zhou has topped Forbes China List of Best
tional business center and comprehensive Cities For Business for five times in the 83% thought the overall business
transportation hub. In 2015, the GDP of past six years. According to the statistics environment of Guangzhou was “Good”,
Guangzhou reached about US$280 bil- of the survey released this March by the “Very good” or “Excellent”. 76.3% of those
lion, equivalent to that of Hong Kong and American Chamber of Commerce in South surveyed thought that the environment for
withmanufacturing industry and service China: business this year was equally good or bet-
industry accounting for 29% and66.8% ter compared to that in the previous year.
respectively of Guangzhou’s total. The per 60% of the surveyedcompanies have
capita GDP was around US$17.5 thou- set up their headquarters in South China 38%of those surveyed showed their
sand Last year,Guangzhou’simport and in Guangzhou, which hits a historic high interest in starting up new companies or
export trade volume of goods amounted to during the recent three years. factories in the Pilot Free Trade Zone of
US$133.9 billion, and the actually utilized South China, and 2/3 of these companies
foreign capital reached US$5.4 billion 93% of the surveyedcompanies said favored Pilot Free Trade Zone Nansha Area.
the Best Business City in
Mainland China
LOCATED IN SOUTHERN China, with while the overseas investment was US$5.1 they have made or will make profits in
an area of 7434.4 square kilometers billion. the next two years. Out of which, 7.4%
and a population of more than 16 million, said their profits were far beyond their
Guangzhou is the capital city of Guang- As one of the most popular cities with expectations, with the figure twice as that
dong Province, an important national international investors in China, Guang- in 2015.
center city of China as well as an interna- zhou has topped Forbes China List of Best
tional business center and comprehensive Cities For Business for five times in the 83% thought the overall business
transportation hub. In 2015, the GDP of past six years. According to the statistics environment of Guangzhou was “Good”,
Guangzhou reached about US$280 bil- of the survey released this March by the “Very good” or “Excellent”. 76.3% of those
lion, equivalent to that of Hong Kong and American Chamber of Commerce in South surveyed thought that the environment for
withmanufacturing industry and service China: business this year was equally good or bet-
industry accounting for 29% and66.8% ter compared to that in the previous year.
respectively of Guangzhou’s total. The per 60% of the surveyedcompanies have
capita GDP was around US$17.5 thou- set up their headquarters in South China 38%of those surveyed showed their
sand Last year,Guangzhou’simport and in Guangzhou, which hits a historic high interest in starting up new companies or
export trade volume of goods amounted to during the recent three years. factories in the Pilot Free Trade Zone of
US$133.9 billion, and the actually utilized South China, and 2/3 of these companies
foreign capital reached US$5.4 billion 93% of the surveyedcompanies said favored Pilot Free Trade Zone Nansha Area.