Page 84 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 84
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

2. Patent and Trademark Pledge Financing on a case-on-case basis, under the guidance of
relevant laws and regulations.
China's patent and trademark pledge financing
amounted to 162.65 billion yuan, a year-over-year From 1st July 2022 onward, the China
increase of 51.5%, benefiting 9,760 enterprises, (Guangzhou) Intellectual Property Protection
an increase of 68.0% year-on-year. Among them, Center for the high-end equipment
6,951 SMEs benefited from inclusive loans of manufacturing industry and new materials
less than RMB 10 million, accounting for 71.2% industry in Guangzhou City officially accepted
of the total number of beneficiary enterprises, applications for fast pre-examination.
representing a year-on-year increase of 111.7% in
the first half of 2022. Patent and trademark pledge In the first ten months of 2022, 44,302
financing services feature “small and micro” administrative cases of patent infringement
enhancing its universality. disputes were filed and 41,819 cases were
concluded in China, mainly concentrated in
In 2022, the State Intellectual Property Zhejiang Province, Guangdong Province, Shanghai
Office (SIPO), together with the Bank of China and other regions.
(BOC), launched a special program “Knowledge
and Benefit” to help alleviate the difficulties C. Latest Development of Certain
of key industries through trademark pledges. Aspect of Intellectual Property in
The campaign conducted approximately 100 China
activities in 10 provinces and cities, including
the Yangtze River Delta region and Beijing, 1. Intensified Efforts to Protect IPR
Liaoning, Hubei, Guangdong, Sichuan and
Shaanxi, over a course of three months. These The Opinions on Further Optimizing the Business
activities included enterprise survey, bank- Environment and Reducing the Institutional
enterprise matchmaking and policy promotion, Transaction Costs for Market Entities, issued by
and other ventures. The BOC provided special the General Office of the State Council on 15th
financing of 5 billion yuan to support these September 2022, highlighted the strengthening
activities, which will benefit more than 1,000 of intellectual property protection. The guidance
enterprises in key industries. aimed to tighten the management of intellectual
property, via regulation on abnormal patent
3. Dispute Resolution applications in accordance with the law and
timely investigation and punitive measures for
China supports local governments in building illegal use of trademarks, bad faith registration,
IPR protection centers and quick rights defense applications for trademark, etc. It also aimed to
centers to provide “one-stop” IPR protection improve the management system of collective
services for market entities, including quick pre- trademarks and certification trademarks, to
trial, quick confirmation of rights, and quick regulate the registration and use of collective
rights defense. 27 provinces (autonomous trademarks of geographical indications, and to
regions and municipalities) have laid out and resolutely curb bad faith lawsuits or disguised
built 57 IPR protection centers and 30 quick acts of charging “membership fees”, “franchise
rights defense centers by the end of June fees”, etc., in order to effectively protect the
2022. In 2022, the SIPO will also make full use legitimate rights and interests of small and
of the “one-stop” comprehensive protection micro merchants. Finally, it aimed to improve
platforms of the protection centers and rapid the protection system for intellectual property
rights defense centers to carry out pilot work in the emerging fields and industries of big data,
on the rapid handling of IPR disputes. The SIPO artificial intelligence, gene technology, and other
identified 16 cities and 3 counties in 9 provinces related sectors.
as the first batch of pilot areas to receive
requests for different types of IPR disputes.
The pilot areas will carry out rapid processing

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