Page 80 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 80
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
1.4 Development of China’s
Intellectual Property in 2022
*Courtesy of Anderson & Anderson LLP
A. Introduction international design applications (IDA) through
the Hague Agreement Concerning the International
Against t h e b a c k d r o p o f Registration of Industrial Designs. 31,000 cases of
significant problems patent review were concluded and 5,000 cases of
facing the international community in 2022, invalidation were concluded. The number of valid
including the COVID-19 pandemic, China invention patents registered in China totalled 3.906
continues to improve and enlarge its Intellectual million, a year-on-year increase of 17.5%.
Property institutions. The government aims
to: “stabilize employment, finance, foreign The number of domestic enterprises with valid
trade, foreign investment, investment, and invention patents in China reached 325,000, up
expectations” (“Six Stabilities”), while “ensuring 20.3% year-on-year. The number of valid invention
employment, basic livelihood, market entities, patents owned by domestic enterprises totals
food and energy security, the stability of industry 2.107 million, up 22.0% year-on-year. Among
chains and supply chains, and grassroots them, 155,000 high-tech enterprises and “little
operations” (“Six Guarantees”). A series of giant” enterprises (innovative SMEs) hold 1,334,000
policies and measures were introduced to help valid invention patents, up 23.4% year-on-year.
enterprises alleviate economic difficulties and They account for 47.8% of domestic enterprises
stimulate innovation, thereby promoting high- with valid invention patents, but possess 63.3%
quality development of IPR work. The current of the valid invention patents, maintaining strong
development trend of China's intellectual innovation vitality.
property rights has steadily improved.
China greatly values the development of its
B. Statistics of China’s Intellectual own digital economy. China’s national “14th Five-
Property Development in 2022 Year Plan” outlines the development of new fields
in the digital economy, including the cultivation of
1. An Overview of IP Applications and new digital industries such as artificial intelligence,
Authorizations big data, blockchain, cloud computing and
network security.
In 2022, affected by the epidemic, China's
patent, trademark, and layout-design of integrated The number of valid invention patents in
circuits and other intellectual property applications the core industries of China's digital economy
first declined and then rose, but has overall reached 977,000 by the end of 2021, 2.8 times
remained generally stable. the number in 2016, accounting for 35.2% of
the valid invention patents in China. The top
a. Patents three technology fields in China in terms of the
number of valid domestic invention patents were
China granted 393,000 patents for inventions, computer technology, measurement industry
1,473,000 patents for utility models, and 383,000 and digital communication, accounting for 9.4%,
design patents in the first half of the year. 7.6% and 6.8% of the total, respectively, by the
33,000 PCT international patent applications end of June 2022; the top three fastest growing
were accepted. Chinese applicants filed 353 industries were information technology and
management methods, computer technology, and
1.4 Development of China’s
Intellectual Property in 2022
*Courtesy of Anderson & Anderson LLP
A. Introduction international design applications (IDA) through
the Hague Agreement Concerning the International
Against t h e b a c k d r o p o f Registration of Industrial Designs. 31,000 cases of
significant problems patent review were concluded and 5,000 cases of
facing the international community in 2022, invalidation were concluded. The number of valid
including the COVID-19 pandemic, China invention patents registered in China totalled 3.906
continues to improve and enlarge its Intellectual million, a year-on-year increase of 17.5%.
Property institutions. The government aims
to: “stabilize employment, finance, foreign The number of domestic enterprises with valid
trade, foreign investment, investment, and invention patents in China reached 325,000, up
expectations” (“Six Stabilities”), while “ensuring 20.3% year-on-year. The number of valid invention
employment, basic livelihood, market entities, patents owned by domestic enterprises totals
food and energy security, the stability of industry 2.107 million, up 22.0% year-on-year. Among
chains and supply chains, and grassroots them, 155,000 high-tech enterprises and “little
operations” (“Six Guarantees”). A series of giant” enterprises (innovative SMEs) hold 1,334,000
policies and measures were introduced to help valid invention patents, up 23.4% year-on-year.
enterprises alleviate economic difficulties and They account for 47.8% of domestic enterprises
stimulate innovation, thereby promoting high- with valid invention patents, but possess 63.3%
quality development of IPR work. The current of the valid invention patents, maintaining strong
development trend of China's intellectual innovation vitality.
property rights has steadily improved.
China greatly values the development of its
B. Statistics of China’s Intellectual own digital economy. China’s national “14th Five-
Property Development in 2022 Year Plan” outlines the development of new fields
in the digital economy, including the cultivation of
1. An Overview of IP Applications and new digital industries such as artificial intelligence,
Authorizations big data, blockchain, cloud computing and
network security.
In 2022, affected by the epidemic, China's
patent, trademark, and layout-design of integrated The number of valid invention patents in
circuits and other intellectual property applications the core industries of China's digital economy
first declined and then rose, but has overall reached 977,000 by the end of 2021, 2.8 times
remained generally stable. the number in 2016, accounting for 35.2% of
the valid invention patents in China. The top
a. Patents three technology fields in China in terms of the
number of valid domestic invention patents were
China granted 393,000 patents for inventions, computer technology, measurement industry
1,473,000 patents for utility models, and 383,000 and digital communication, accounting for 9.4%,
design patents in the first half of the year. 7.6% and 6.8% of the total, respectively, by the
33,000 PCT international patent applications end of June 2022; the top three fastest growing
were accepted. Chinese applicants filed 353 industries were information technology and
management methods, computer technology, and