Page 82 - 2023 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 82
3 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
medical technology, with year-on-year growth of United Kingdom and South Korea rank top five.
78.5%, 32.3% and 27.1%, respectively, indicating Compared with fewer than 2,000 trademark
China’s emerging technology fields. Patent applications in the year the Trademark Law
reserves have been enhanced to support the was implemented, the number of applications
digital transformation of the economy. exceeded 100,000 for the first time in 2007
and reached 258,000 in 2021, with an average
From a regional distribution perspective, the annual growth rate of 14.2% for foreign investor
Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao trademark registration applications in China.
Greater Bay Area and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
have lead these fields. The valid invention patent c. Geographical Indications
volume of core industries in digital economy in
the abovementioned three regions accounted for In the first half of the year, China approved:
72.4% of the total; Chengdu-Chongqing region a) 3 geographical indication products; b) 365
has great development potential and the fastest registrations of geographical indications as
growth rate, with the average growth rate of the collective trademarks and certification trademarks;
past five years reaching 27.9%. and c) 2,239 market entities using special
geographical indication marks.
In addition to the significant increase in the
amount of valid invention patents in the core By the end of June 2022, approval has been
industries of China’s digital economy, Chinese granted for: a) a total of 2,493 geographical
enterprises have also shown good momentum indication products; b) 6,927 registrations of
in patent authorization in other major countries. geographical indications as collective trademarks
Taking artificial intelligence as an example, and certification trademarks; and c) 19,350 market
in 2021, the number of Chinese AI invention entities using special geographical indications.
patents authorized in the world’s five largest
intellectual property offices in China, the United So far, China has approved 19,000 market
States, Europe, Japan and South Korea (the IP5) entities using special geographical indications,
reached 57,000, 5.1 times the number in 2016, an increase of more than 6,000 over the same
with an average annual growth rate of 38.5%. period from the previous year. The scope of the
A report released by the German Patent and pilot reform of the special geographical indication
Trademark Office in 2022 also shows that in mark was expanded from 12 provinces to 20
2021, in digitalization-related technology fields provinces, involving 1,951 products, accounting
like digital communication, the number of China’s for 82.9% of geographical indication protected
patent applications in Germany has increased products in China. The number of market entities
considerably compared to 2020. using special geographical indications is rising,
and the scale of China’s geographical indication
b. Trademarks industry is expanding.
China registered 3.674 million trademarks in d. Layout-Design of Integrated Circuit
the first half of the year. Domestic applicants filed
2,699 applications for international registration of In terms of layout-design of integrated circuit,
Madrid trademarks. 81,000 trademark opposition in the first half of the year, China received 7,661
cases were examined and 217,000 trademark pieces of registration applications for layout-
evaluation trials of all kinds were completed. design of integrated circuit, and 5,233 certificates
were issued. By the end of June 2022, China's
China has 40,545,000 valid registered registration applications for layout-design of
trademarks, a year-over-year increase of 20.9%. integrated circuit totaled 74,000, and 57,000
By the end of June 2022, market entities from certificates were issued.
more than 200 countries or regions have
valid registered trademarks in China, among
which the United States, Japan, Germany, the
medical technology, with year-on-year growth of United Kingdom and South Korea rank top five.
78.5%, 32.3% and 27.1%, respectively, indicating Compared with fewer than 2,000 trademark
China’s emerging technology fields. Patent applications in the year the Trademark Law
reserves have been enhanced to support the was implemented, the number of applications
digital transformation of the economy. exceeded 100,000 for the first time in 2007
and reached 258,000 in 2021, with an average
From a regional distribution perspective, the annual growth rate of 14.2% for foreign investor
Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao trademark registration applications in China.
Greater Bay Area and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
have lead these fields. The valid invention patent c. Geographical Indications
volume of core industries in digital economy in
the abovementioned three regions accounted for In the first half of the year, China approved:
72.4% of the total; Chengdu-Chongqing region a) 3 geographical indication products; b) 365
has great development potential and the fastest registrations of geographical indications as
growth rate, with the average growth rate of the collective trademarks and certification trademarks;
past five years reaching 27.9%. and c) 2,239 market entities using special
geographical indication marks.
In addition to the significant increase in the
amount of valid invention patents in the core By the end of June 2022, approval has been
industries of China’s digital economy, Chinese granted for: a) a total of 2,493 geographical
enterprises have also shown good momentum indication products; b) 6,927 registrations of
in patent authorization in other major countries. geographical indications as collective trademarks
Taking artificial intelligence as an example, and certification trademarks; and c) 19,350 market
in 2021, the number of Chinese AI invention entities using special geographical indications.
patents authorized in the world’s five largest
intellectual property offices in China, the United So far, China has approved 19,000 market
States, Europe, Japan and South Korea (the IP5) entities using special geographical indications,
reached 57,000, 5.1 times the number in 2016, an increase of more than 6,000 over the same
with an average annual growth rate of 38.5%. period from the previous year. The scope of the
A report released by the German Patent and pilot reform of the special geographical indication
Trademark Office in 2022 also shows that in mark was expanded from 12 provinces to 20
2021, in digitalization-related technology fields provinces, involving 1,951 products, accounting
like digital communication, the number of China’s for 82.9% of geographical indication protected
patent applications in Germany has increased products in China. The number of market entities
considerably compared to 2020. using special geographical indications is rising,
and the scale of China’s geographical indication
b. Trademarks industry is expanding.
China registered 3.674 million trademarks in d. Layout-Design of Integrated Circuit
the first half of the year. Domestic applicants filed
2,699 applications for international registration of In terms of layout-design of integrated circuit,
Madrid trademarks. 81,000 trademark opposition in the first half of the year, China received 7,661
cases were examined and 217,000 trademark pieces of registration applications for layout-
evaluation trials of all kinds were completed. design of integrated circuit, and 5,233 certificates
were issued. By the end of June 2022, China's
China has 40,545,000 valid registered registration applications for layout-design of
trademarks, a year-over-year increase of 20.9%. integrated circuit totaled 74,000, and 57,000
By the end of June 2022, market entities from certificates were issued.
more than 200 countries or regions have
valid registered trademarks in China, among
which the United States, Japan, Germany, the