Page 45 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 45
arge number of companies (69%) have 绝大部分受访企业(69%)在未来三年有
expansion plans in China over the next 在华扩张的计划,较去年同比下降3%。
three years, though the proportion dropped by 3% 由于新冠疫情反复多变,中国采取严格的疫情防控
this year. Due to the recurrent outbreaks, China 政策,国内商业环境复杂性、不确定性上升,企业
has implemented draconian COVID restrictions, 放缓了在华业务扩张步伐。尽管在中国新冠肺炎疫
and the business environment is becoming more 情大多数阶段里情况如此,但是2023年初中国疫情
complex and uncertain. Companies, therefore, 放开,未来情况可能有所改善。
slow down their business expansion in China.
Although this was the case for most of the COVID
period in China, opening up earlier 2023 may
change these numbers in the future.

Figure 44 Comparison of Expansion Plan in China in Next Three Years (2019-2022)
图表 44 未来三年在华扩张计划对比(2019-2022)

   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50