Page 41 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 41
ina has been among the world’s fastest- 中国是全球增长最快、最活跃的市场之一。
growing economies with the most dynamic 尽管此次疫情给中国经济蒙上了不确定性
markets. Although its economy is shadowed 阴影,但大部分企业仍将中国市场视为其未来战略发
by uncertainty caused by the pandemic, most 展方向。75%的受访企业计划在2023年进行在华再
companies still consider China as a critical part 投资,该比例同比增加3%。虽然未来一年有在华再
in their future strategic development plans. 75% 投资计划的美资企业比例有所下降,但仍有68%的美
of the participating companies plan to reinvest 资企业将继续深耕中国市场。
in China in 2023, an increase of around 3%.
Although a bit fewer American companies have 2023年在华预算再投资额超过2.5亿美元的企业
reinvestment plans for the coming year, 68% 比例同比大幅下降至4%,为近五年新低。大部分受
of them are determined to dig deeper into the 访企业(74%)未来一年在华预算再投资主要集中
Chinese market. 在较低额度(1000万美元以下),其中包括79%的
The number of companies that have each 划再投资超过2.5亿美元的项目。6%的中资企业有
over US$250 million budgeted for reinvestment 超过2.5亿美元的再投资计划,尽管该比例较去年减
projects in 2023 declines substantially to a five- 少一半。
year new low of 4%. A majority of the participating
companies (74%) plan to reinvest with a low
quota (less than US$10 million), including 79%
of Chinese companies and 81% of American
companies. It is worth pointing out that no
American companies have reinvestment plans
for projects involving US$250 million or more
while 6% of Chinese companies plan to do so,
though the proportion drops by half compared
with a year earlier.

Figure 40 Plan for Reinvesting in China in 2023 (by Origins of Companies)
图表 40 2023年在华再投资计划(按照国家来源划分)

   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46