Page 39 - 2023 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 39
ure 38 Comparison of Destinations of Shifted Investment (2021-2022)
图表 38 投资转移目的地对比(2021-2022)

Despite the repeated resurgence of the 尽管全球疫情反复跌宕、国际形势复杂严
COVID-19 pandemic, the complicated and 峻、跨国投资疲软,但大部分受访企业已
challenging international landscape and sluggish 实现在华盈利,并对中国经济前景充满信心。刺激
cross-border investment, most companies have 企业增加在华投资或将投资转移至中国的首要因素
realized profitability in China and are upbeat 是中国市场的增长潜力,其次是政策利好和工业聚
about China’s economic prospects. Potential 群效应。
growth of the Chinese market is the primary
factor for increasing investment in China or
shifting investment from other markets to China.
Preferential policies and industrial cluster effect
are another two crucial reasons for keeping
investment in China.

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