Page 182 - 2022 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 182
2 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
a luxury, today meat is on the daily menu of many requires a mandatory quarantine of animals that
Chinese (Blazyte). severely threaten agriculture and human health.
Compared with the past version, which came into
China’s spectacular run as provider of its own effect in 2008, the newly amended law highlights
food is looking severely strained. Its citizens’ the prevention of rabies, which is mainly carried
appetite for meat is rising along with incomes, and by dogs. The law makes it clear that any person
mass-producing steaks and chops for 1.4 billion or organization raising a dog must vaccinate
people requires tremendous amounts of land and it routinely, and register with the vaccination
water. Meanwhile, its manufacturing miracle— certificate. Those who walk a dog outdoors must
the very thing that financed its food miracle—has attach a legally registered card to it, and keep the
largely fouled up or just plain swallowed those dog on a leash to prevent it from hurting people or
very resources. Despite the country’s immense spreading diseases. The move is necessary because
geographical footprint, there just isn’t that much dogs are the main carrier of rabies (Zhang).
to go around. Between 1997 and 2008, China
saw 6.2% of its farmland engulfed by what the Livestock
government calls “planned ecological cropland
conversion.” Industrialization and sprawl have China's meat production reached 76.39 million
driven a substantial amount of the farmland tonnes and egg production reached 34.68 million
loss. China has just 0.09 hectares of arable land per tonnes in 2020, both ranking first in the world.
capita—less than half of the global average and a China has promoted independent innovation to
quarter of the average for OECD member countries. ensure its livestock and poultry breeding resources,
Fully 40% of China’s arable land has been degraded with the self-sufficiency ratio of key livestock
by some combination of erosion, salinization, or and poultry breeds exceeding 75%. The country
acidification—and nearly 20% is polluted, whether has set up 199 national-level breeding farms,
by industrial effluent, sewage, excessive farm conservation areas and gene banks for livestock
chemicals, or mining runoff (Philpott). and poultry genetic resources. It has cultivated
more than 100 new livestock and poultry breeds
China’s livestock industry has experienced a and has also established a commercial breeding
vast transition during the last three decades, with system. The Chinese Academy of Agricultural
profound effects on domestic and global food Sciences (CAAS) has set up a service platform
provision. The number of livestock units tripled for preserving and sharing livestock and poultry
in China in less than 30 years, mainly through the germplasm resources, including information on
growth of landless industrial livestock production 777 livestock and poultry breeds. More than 300
systems and the increase in monogastric livestock. local livestock and poultry breeds have been
Changes were fueled through increases in demand preserved in the form of frozen semen, embryos
as well as, supply of new breeds, new technology, and and somatic cells, greatly improving the diversity
government support in 1980 and 2010. Animal feed of livestock and poultry germplasm resources in
imports increased 49 times between 1980 and 2021. China. The CAAS has made significant progress
Forecasts for 2050 indicate further major changes in in genome analysis, functional gene cloning and
livestock production and impacts (Bai et al.). key breeding technologies for major livestock and
poultry such as pigs, beef cattle, goats, chickens,
New Quarantine Law ducks and horses, providing a theoretical basis
and technical support for genetic improvement
The Standing Committee of the National People's and breeding. A number of functional genes with
Congress, the nation's top legislature, passed the great breeding value have also been discovered.
newly amended Animal Epidemic Prevention in 2021. Meanwhile, the CAAS has vowed to accelerate the
The law concerns all livestock and animals raised building of a national germplasm resource pool
or captured by humans. Based on their potential for livestock and poultry during the 14th Five-Year
harms to agricultural production and human health, Plan period (2021-2025). It aims to build the pool
the law divides animal diseases into three kinds and with the largest livestock and poultry germplasm
a luxury, today meat is on the daily menu of many requires a mandatory quarantine of animals that
Chinese (Blazyte). severely threaten agriculture and human health.
Compared with the past version, which came into
China’s spectacular run as provider of its own effect in 2008, the newly amended law highlights
food is looking severely strained. Its citizens’ the prevention of rabies, which is mainly carried
appetite for meat is rising along with incomes, and by dogs. The law makes it clear that any person
mass-producing steaks and chops for 1.4 billion or organization raising a dog must vaccinate
people requires tremendous amounts of land and it routinely, and register with the vaccination
water. Meanwhile, its manufacturing miracle— certificate. Those who walk a dog outdoors must
the very thing that financed its food miracle—has attach a legally registered card to it, and keep the
largely fouled up or just plain swallowed those dog on a leash to prevent it from hurting people or
very resources. Despite the country’s immense spreading diseases. The move is necessary because
geographical footprint, there just isn’t that much dogs are the main carrier of rabies (Zhang).
to go around. Between 1997 and 2008, China
saw 6.2% of its farmland engulfed by what the Livestock
government calls “planned ecological cropland
conversion.” Industrialization and sprawl have China's meat production reached 76.39 million
driven a substantial amount of the farmland tonnes and egg production reached 34.68 million
loss. China has just 0.09 hectares of arable land per tonnes in 2020, both ranking first in the world.
capita—less than half of the global average and a China has promoted independent innovation to
quarter of the average for OECD member countries. ensure its livestock and poultry breeding resources,
Fully 40% of China’s arable land has been degraded with the self-sufficiency ratio of key livestock
by some combination of erosion, salinization, or and poultry breeds exceeding 75%. The country
acidification—and nearly 20% is polluted, whether has set up 199 national-level breeding farms,
by industrial effluent, sewage, excessive farm conservation areas and gene banks for livestock
chemicals, or mining runoff (Philpott). and poultry genetic resources. It has cultivated
more than 100 new livestock and poultry breeds
China’s livestock industry has experienced a and has also established a commercial breeding
vast transition during the last three decades, with system. The Chinese Academy of Agricultural
profound effects on domestic and global food Sciences (CAAS) has set up a service platform
provision. The number of livestock units tripled for preserving and sharing livestock and poultry
in China in less than 30 years, mainly through the germplasm resources, including information on
growth of landless industrial livestock production 777 livestock and poultry breeds. More than 300
systems and the increase in monogastric livestock. local livestock and poultry breeds have been
Changes were fueled through increases in demand preserved in the form of frozen semen, embryos
as well as, supply of new breeds, new technology, and and somatic cells, greatly improving the diversity
government support in 1980 and 2010. Animal feed of livestock and poultry germplasm resources in
imports increased 49 times between 1980 and 2021. China. The CAAS has made significant progress
Forecasts for 2050 indicate further major changes in in genome analysis, functional gene cloning and
livestock production and impacts (Bai et al.). key breeding technologies for major livestock and
poultry such as pigs, beef cattle, goats, chickens,
New Quarantine Law ducks and horses, providing a theoretical basis
and technical support for genetic improvement
The Standing Committee of the National People's and breeding. A number of functional genes with
Congress, the nation's top legislature, passed the great breeding value have also been discovered.
newly amended Animal Epidemic Prevention in 2021. Meanwhile, the CAAS has vowed to accelerate the
The law concerns all livestock and animals raised building of a national germplasm resource pool
or captured by humans. Based on their potential for livestock and poultry during the 14th Five-Year
harms to agricultural production and human health, Plan period (2021-2025). It aims to build the pool
the law divides animal diseases into three kinds and with the largest livestock and poultry germplasm