Page 12 - 2022 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 12
Key Takeaways 关键要点
In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic caused the 2020年新冠肺炎疫情爆发导致全球经济下
most severe global economic downturn 滑,这是自2008年全球金融危机以来最
since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. However, as 严重的一次下滑。然而,随着新冠肺炎疫情继续肆虐蔓延,持
Covid-19 continued to threaten the resilience of the 续威胁全球经济复苏,国际商界虽克服重重困难,但仍再次经
global economy in 2021, the international business 历了充满挑战的一年。尽管2020年中国作为第一个复苏的主
community once more endured a challenging year 要经济体,并从新冠大流行的低迷中展现了令人印象深刻的
overcoming many obstacles. While China was the 反弹,但是由于电力短缺、洪水和国内疫情局部爆发等多种因
first major economy to recover, staging an impressive 素——其中多地已在很大程度上得到缓解,中国经济增长在
rebound from the 2020 pandemic slump, China’s 2021年下半年放缓。今年是华南美国商会进行华南地区经济
economic growth slowed down in the latter part of 情况问卷调查的第十八个年头。为了评估新冠肺炎疫情对商
2021 due to several factors including power shortages, 业的持续影响,我们对商界进行了全面的定量研究与分析,该
flooding and new outbreaks of COVID-19 in various 研究成果发布在《2022年华南地区经济情况特别报告》中。该
parts of China – many of which have been in most part 报告的调查研究是在2021年10月至12 月期间进行的。该报告
alleviated. In order to evaluate the continued impact of 对通过随机抽样邀请的会员企业进行了经济情况调查,这些
COVID-19 on business, AmCham South China conducted 企业代表了来自不同国家和地区、不同行业且拥有在华业务
a comprehensive quantitative study of the business 的公司。该报告旨在收集华南美国商会会员在高度动态的地
community for the 18th consecutive year, the results 缘政治和商业环境下,其在华业务发展的情况。
of which are published in this 2022 Special Report on the
State of Business in South China. The study was conducted
during months of October to December 2021. The
Report presents an assessment of the state of business
involving a randomly selected number of companies
representing a cross section of businesses from various
nations and regions with existing operations in China.
This report tracks their operations in China within a
highly dynamic geopolitical and business climate.
Key takeaways of this report are as below: 本报告的关键要点如下:
·2021 saw an increase in headcount by half of ·50%的受访企业在2021年增加了在华雇员。大部分受
the participating companies. Strong confidence can 访企业对2022年扩员计划充满信心,57%的受访企业表示会
be found in the employment expansion plan with 57% 在未来一年显著增加或少量增加雇员。
of companies reporting to augment their headcounts
significantly or slightly in 2022. ·与前四年相比,企业在华收入占全球营收比例保持相
·Companies’ global annual revenue from China 过30%的收入。63%的受访企业表示2021年在华营收有显著
went through a modest but mostly positive fluctuation 或者少量的增长,回到了疫情前的水平。
in comparison with previous four years. Approximately
half of the companies obtained over 30% of revenue ·82%的受访企业表示已在中国实现盈利,相比过去三
from China. 63% of the companies found their revenue 年有所下降。然而,已实现盈利的企业中有56%表示已经实现
from China increase significantly or slightly in 2021 盈利并达到预期目标,相较去年增长了7个百分点。
which returned to pre-COVID levels.
·Around 82% of the companies have already 受访企业认为实现盈利可能需要六年甚至以上的时间,这是
achieved profitability in China in 2021, a slight reduction 以往从未出现过的。
compared to the last three years. Nevertheless, 56% of
them reported to have met their budget expectations,
a 7 percentage point uptick in comparison with the
previous year.
·Fewer companies expect to reach profitability in
a short period of time. An unprecedented situation can
be noticed in this year’s report in which up to 12% of the
In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic caused the 2020年新冠肺炎疫情爆发导致全球经济下
most severe global economic downturn 滑,这是自2008年全球金融危机以来最
since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. However, as 严重的一次下滑。然而,随着新冠肺炎疫情继续肆虐蔓延,持
Covid-19 continued to threaten the resilience of the 续威胁全球经济复苏,国际商界虽克服重重困难,但仍再次经
global economy in 2021, the international business 历了充满挑战的一年。尽管2020年中国作为第一个复苏的主
community once more endured a challenging year 要经济体,并从新冠大流行的低迷中展现了令人印象深刻的
overcoming many obstacles. While China was the 反弹,但是由于电力短缺、洪水和国内疫情局部爆发等多种因
first major economy to recover, staging an impressive 素——其中多地已在很大程度上得到缓解,中国经济增长在
rebound from the 2020 pandemic slump, China’s 2021年下半年放缓。今年是华南美国商会进行华南地区经济
economic growth slowed down in the latter part of 情况问卷调查的第十八个年头。为了评估新冠肺炎疫情对商
2021 due to several factors including power shortages, 业的持续影响,我们对商界进行了全面的定量研究与分析,该
flooding and new outbreaks of COVID-19 in various 研究成果发布在《2022年华南地区经济情况特别报告》中。该
parts of China – many of which have been in most part 报告的调查研究是在2021年10月至12 月期间进行的。该报告
alleviated. In order to evaluate the continued impact of 对通过随机抽样邀请的会员企业进行了经济情况调查,这些
COVID-19 on business, AmCham South China conducted 企业代表了来自不同国家和地区、不同行业且拥有在华业务
a comprehensive quantitative study of the business 的公司。该报告旨在收集华南美国商会会员在高度动态的地
community for the 18th consecutive year, the results 缘政治和商业环境下,其在华业务发展的情况。
of which are published in this 2022 Special Report on the
State of Business in South China. The study was conducted
during months of October to December 2021. The
Report presents an assessment of the state of business
involving a randomly selected number of companies
representing a cross section of businesses from various
nations and regions with existing operations in China.
This report tracks their operations in China within a
highly dynamic geopolitical and business climate.
Key takeaways of this report are as below: 本报告的关键要点如下:
·2021 saw an increase in headcount by half of ·50%的受访企业在2021年增加了在华雇员。大部分受
the participating companies. Strong confidence can 访企业对2022年扩员计划充满信心,57%的受访企业表示会
be found in the employment expansion plan with 57% 在未来一年显著增加或少量增加雇员。
of companies reporting to augment their headcounts
significantly or slightly in 2022. ·与前四年相比,企业在华收入占全球营收比例保持相
·Companies’ global annual revenue from China 过30%的收入。63%的受访企业表示2021年在华营收有显著
went through a modest but mostly positive fluctuation 或者少量的增长,回到了疫情前的水平。
in comparison with previous four years. Approximately
half of the companies obtained over 30% of revenue ·82%的受访企业表示已在中国实现盈利,相比过去三
from China. 63% of the companies found their revenue 年有所下降。然而,已实现盈利的企业中有56%表示已经实现
from China increase significantly or slightly in 2021 盈利并达到预期目标,相较去年增长了7个百分点。
which returned to pre-COVID levels.
·Around 82% of the companies have already 受访企业认为实现盈利可能需要六年甚至以上的时间,这是
achieved profitability in China in 2021, a slight reduction 以往从未出现过的。
compared to the last three years. Nevertheless, 56% of
them reported to have met their budget expectations,
a 7 percentage point uptick in comparison with the
previous year.
·Fewer companies expect to reach profitability in
a short period of time. An unprecedented situation can
be noticed in this year’s report in which up to 12% of the