Page 8 - 2022 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 8
President’s Message 会长致辞
Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:
It is important to note that the 值得注意的是,华南美国商会(美商会)是一个完
American Chamber of Commerce in South China 全独立的无党派、非政府和非赢利性的商业机构,由设
(AmCham South China) is an entirely independent 在华盛顿特区的美国全国商会认可,于1995年成立。
member driven, non-partisan, non-political, non- 华南美国商会由会员选举出的完全独立的理事会进行
government, non-profit business organization 机构管理。该出版物的内容均由华南美国商会独立调
accredited in 1995 by US Chamber of Commerce 研与发行,不代表美国政府或其他政府组织的观点。该
in Washington, DC. The information provided 刊物的出版与印刷没有接受任何政府的资助。
in this publication is researched and produced
independently by AmCham South China and does 像过去那样每年保持两位数经济增长已非易事。
not represent the views of the US or any other
government or organization. AmCham South 2019年底时,中国正在不断努力,以实现从高增
China receives no funding from any government 长的新兴市场向成熟稳定的经济体转型。那一年,尽
for the production of this publication. 管中国经济增长有所放缓,但仍实现了6.1%增速,超
Building a yearly double-digit increasing 影响力,国内人均可支配收入持续增长;同时,虽受到
economy is not as easy as it used to be. 中美贸易战的影响,但经济仍保持韧性。然而,2019年
At the close of 2019, China was continuing 有序的节奏。
its historic transition from being a superhigh-
growth, emerging market to a mature, established 有人认为,中美贸易战让中国更加相信,只有加快
economy. At the time, even with some deceleration, 发展、扩大国内消费市场,才能摆脱西方对中国经济的
the Chinese economy was still expanding at a 6.1% 制约。但是,因突如其来的新冠疫情,出口反而成为了
annual clip, a figure that well outstripped most 中国经济增长最大的动力。出口的剧增使中国这个世
other nations. The country was internationalizing 界第二大经济体更易受西方消费市场的影响,这不符
rapidly via the Belt and Road Initiative, and per 合中国的发展方向。西方对笔记本电脑、家具和自行车
capita disposable income was continuing to rise – 等产品的需求激增。出口大幅增长在短期内对中国有
all while showing resilience in the face of the trade 利,有助于在疫情期间维持稳定增长,但随着疫情进入
war with the US. Then, at the end of the year, a 第三年,经济发展不平衡加剧,亟待解决。疫情期间,美
novel coronavirus emerged that proverbially 国居民消费支出迅速反弹,而中国则与美国不同,消费
knocked all the pieces off the table. 持续低迷。零售业增长速度低于疫情前水平。据9月份
One might suspect that China’s trade war 年的8%。零售业的疲软,一方面是由于中国没有像美
with the US convinced its leaders that the country 国那样发放救助金,因而消费者的消费能力较弱。另一
needed to move faster to expand its domestic 方面,也反映了中国民众喜欢存钱,在形势不确定,尤
consumer market so its economy would not sway
inconsistently by the trade winds from the West.
The coronavirus pandemic, however, steered
the second largest economy in the world in the
opposite direction by making exports a larger
driver of growth than at any other time in years,
Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:
It is important to note that the 值得注意的是,华南美国商会(美商会)是一个完
American Chamber of Commerce in South China 全独立的无党派、非政府和非赢利性的商业机构,由设
(AmCham South China) is an entirely independent 在华盛顿特区的美国全国商会认可,于1995年成立。
member driven, non-partisan, non-political, non- 华南美国商会由会员选举出的完全独立的理事会进行
government, non-profit business organization 机构管理。该出版物的内容均由华南美国商会独立调
accredited in 1995 by US Chamber of Commerce 研与发行,不代表美国政府或其他政府组织的观点。该
in Washington, DC. The information provided 刊物的出版与印刷没有接受任何政府的资助。
in this publication is researched and produced
independently by AmCham South China and does 像过去那样每年保持两位数经济增长已非易事。
not represent the views of the US or any other
government or organization. AmCham South 2019年底时,中国正在不断努力,以实现从高增
China receives no funding from any government 长的新兴市场向成熟稳定的经济体转型。那一年,尽
for the production of this publication. 管中国经济增长有所放缓,但仍实现了6.1%增速,超
Building a yearly double-digit increasing 影响力,国内人均可支配收入持续增长;同时,虽受到
economy is not as easy as it used to be. 中美贸易战的影响,但经济仍保持韧性。然而,2019年
At the close of 2019, China was continuing 有序的节奏。
its historic transition from being a superhigh-
growth, emerging market to a mature, established 有人认为,中美贸易战让中国更加相信,只有加快
economy. At the time, even with some deceleration, 发展、扩大国内消费市场,才能摆脱西方对中国经济的
the Chinese economy was still expanding at a 6.1% 制约。但是,因突如其来的新冠疫情,出口反而成为了
annual clip, a figure that well outstripped most 中国经济增长最大的动力。出口的剧增使中国这个世
other nations. The country was internationalizing 界第二大经济体更易受西方消费市场的影响,这不符
rapidly via the Belt and Road Initiative, and per 合中国的发展方向。西方对笔记本电脑、家具和自行车
capita disposable income was continuing to rise – 等产品的需求激增。出口大幅增长在短期内对中国有
all while showing resilience in the face of the trade 利,有助于在疫情期间维持稳定增长,但随着疫情进入
war with the US. Then, at the end of the year, a 第三年,经济发展不平衡加剧,亟待解决。疫情期间,美
novel coronavirus emerged that proverbially 国居民消费支出迅速反弹,而中国则与美国不同,消费
knocked all the pieces off the table. 持续低迷。零售业增长速度低于疫情前水平。据9月份
One might suspect that China’s trade war 年的8%。零售业的疲软,一方面是由于中国没有像美
with the US convinced its leaders that the country 国那样发放救助金,因而消费者的消费能力较弱。另一
needed to move faster to expand its domestic 方面,也反映了中国民众喜欢存钱,在形势不确定,尤
consumer market so its economy would not sway
inconsistently by the trade winds from the West.
The coronavirus pandemic, however, steered
the second largest economy in the world in the
opposite direction by making exports a larger
driver of growth than at any other time in years,