Page 37 - 2021 Special Report
P. 37
owever, it is interesting to note that 但 有趣的是,2020年企业更坚定了继续在华
companies showed strong determination 投资的决心。2020年超八成的企业选择不
to continue investing in China in 2020. In 2020, 向中国以外的国家转移投资,同比增长约20%。而选
over 80% of the companies chose not to shift its 择撤离的企业,近五分之四的企业选择撤离30%以下
investment out of China, an improvement of about 投资项目到中国以外的国家,没有任何企业完全撤离
20% year on year. As for the companies that had 中国。而中国以外的亚洲市场是他们转移再投资的首
intention to move out, nearly four-fifths of them 选。大部分受访企业已实现在华盈利,且对中国的经
chose to shift less than 30% of their investment 济前景充满信心。刺激企业增加投资或转移投资到中
projects to countries outside of China. No 国的首要因素是中国市场的增长潜力,其次为政策利
company showed willingness to shift completely. 好及其他国家新冠疫情不确定性。
Asian countries other than China were the most
popular reinvestment destinations for the shifts.
Most of the companies were able to realize
profitability in China and remained confident in
China’s economic outlook. It is no wonder that
they continue to utilize their profits from China
and take advantage of the preferential policies.
Uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
in other countries is an important reason to keep
their reinvestment in China.
companies showed strong determination 投资的决心。2020年超八成的企业选择不
to continue investing in China in 2020. In 2020, 向中国以外的国家转移投资,同比增长约20%。而选
over 80% of the companies chose not to shift its 择撤离的企业,近五分之四的企业选择撤离30%以下
investment out of China, an improvement of about 投资项目到中国以外的国家,没有任何企业完全撤离
20% year on year. As for the companies that had 中国。而中国以外的亚洲市场是他们转移再投资的首
intention to move out, nearly four-fifths of them 选。大部分受访企业已实现在华盈利,且对中国的经
chose to shift less than 30% of their investment 济前景充满信心。刺激企业增加投资或转移投资到中
projects to countries outside of China. No 国的首要因素是中国市场的增长潜力,其次为政策利
company showed willingness to shift completely. 好及其他国家新冠疫情不确定性。
Asian countries other than China were the most
popular reinvestment destinations for the shifts.
Most of the companies were able to realize
profitability in China and remained confident in
China’s economic outlook. It is no wonder that
they continue to utilize their profits from China
and take advantage of the preferential policies.
Uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
in other countries is an important reason to keep
their reinvestment in China.