Page 7 - 2020 Mid-Year Special Report
P. 7
Generally, demographics of participating 总体而言,参与该年度调查的企业与
companies is similar to our previous 往年的受访企业组成大体一致。为
studies. In order to comprehensively reflect 了全面反映华南地区当前的经济形势,我
the present economic situation in South 们随机选择参与此项研究的企业,并确保
China, we took steps to ensure companies 样本企业涵盖了不同行业。 近34%的受访
participating in this research, which were 企业来自消费产品和服务行业。 略超过33
randomly selected, represent a true cross sec- %的受访企业来自专业服务行业。第一和
tion of various industries. Nearly 34% of the 第二产业企业占22%,其他服务企业和机
companies come from consumer products 构占11%。
and services. Slightly over 33% of the compa-
nies come from professional services. 22% are
from first- and second-tertiary industry, and
11% from other services and organizations.
Distribution of Industry 行业分布
Generally, demographics of participating 总体而言,参与该年度调查的企业与
companies is similar to our previous 往年的受访企业组成大体一致。为
studies. In order to comprehensively reflect 了全面反映华南地区当前的经济形势,我
the present economic situation in South 们随机选择参与此项研究的企业,并确保
China, we took steps to ensure companies 样本企业涵盖了不同行业。 近34%的受访
participating in this research, which were 企业来自消费产品和服务行业。 略超过33
randomly selected, represent a true cross sec- %的受访企业来自专业服务行业。第一和
tion of various industries. Nearly 34% of the 第二产业企业占22%,其他服务企业和机
companies come from consumer products 构占11%。
and services. Slightly over 33% of the compa-
nies come from professional services. 22% are
from first- and second-tertiary industry, and
11% from other services and organizations.
Distribution of Industry 行业分布