Page 3 - 2020 Mid-Year Special Report
P. 3
sident’s Message
Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:
During the first half of 2020, having
already been impacted by the ongoing trade 在2020年上半年,除了受到中美双方持
friction between U.S. and China, businesses in 续的贸易摩擦的影响,华南地区的企业还面临
South China faced multiple additional chal- 着其他诸多挑战,其中包括中美政治局势矛盾
lenges including increased US-China political 加剧以及新冠疫情的爆发。尽管中国已经成功
tensions and the onset of COVID-19. While 地遏制了该病毒的传播,但也为此付出了沉重
China has been successful in containing the vi- 的代价,其中包括对出入境交通流量实施特别
rus, it has done so at great cost which includes 限制所带来的影响。
the impact of extraordinary limits on traffic
through its borders. 华南美国商会的2,300多名会员和其他商
Among many difficulties which faced the 学校教师及管理人员无法返回中国。在此,我
more than 2,300 members of the American 必须衷心感谢广东省商务厅、广东省外事办公
Chamber of Commerce in South China and 室以及其他省市政府与我商会进行紧密合作,
those of other business association was the 成功解决了这一难题。同时,感谢美国联合航
absence of many corporate executives, teach- 空公司与我们的商会进行密切合作,以尽可能
ers and administrators of international schools 降低成本的方式迅速运送我商会会员企业的高
who were unable to return to China. I must 管、国际学校教师及行政人员返回中国。
express our Chamber’s gratitude to the Guang-
dong Department of Commerce and Foreign 本次年中调查研究的成果给我们带来了
Affairs Office and other provincial and munic- 希望、韧性和决心,也展现了政府和企业因时
ipal governments for working closely with our 而变的出色能力。中国政府在新冠疫情的防控
Chamber to successfully resolve this issue. I 上采取了一系列措施,并取得了显著成就,并
am also grateful to United Airlines for working 竭尽所能支持我们的会员企业复工复产。
closely with our Chamber to enable the speedy
return of our member company executives, 为了确定2020年上半年华南地区企业的
teachers and administrators of international 业务状况,并评估新旧挑战所带来的一系列影
schools at reduced costs.
Analysis of this mid-year study shows
us hope, resilience, determination and the
ability to change and adopt by business and
Dear Members, 尊敬的会员:
During the first half of 2020, having
already been impacted by the ongoing trade 在2020年上半年,除了受到中美双方持
friction between U.S. and China, businesses in 续的贸易摩擦的影响,华南地区的企业还面临
South China faced multiple additional chal- 着其他诸多挑战,其中包括中美政治局势矛盾
lenges including increased US-China political 加剧以及新冠疫情的爆发。尽管中国已经成功
tensions and the onset of COVID-19. While 地遏制了该病毒的传播,但也为此付出了沉重
China has been successful in containing the vi- 的代价,其中包括对出入境交通流量实施特别
rus, it has done so at great cost which includes 限制所带来的影响。
the impact of extraordinary limits on traffic
through its borders. 华南美国商会的2,300多名会员和其他商
Among many difficulties which faced the 学校教师及管理人员无法返回中国。在此,我
more than 2,300 members of the American 必须衷心感谢广东省商务厅、广东省外事办公
Chamber of Commerce in South China and 室以及其他省市政府与我商会进行紧密合作,
those of other business association was the 成功解决了这一难题。同时,感谢美国联合航
absence of many corporate executives, teach- 空公司与我们的商会进行密切合作,以尽可能
ers and administrators of international schools 降低成本的方式迅速运送我商会会员企业的高
who were unable to return to China. I must 管、国际学校教师及行政人员返回中国。
express our Chamber’s gratitude to the Guang-
dong Department of Commerce and Foreign 本次年中调查研究的成果给我们带来了
Affairs Office and other provincial and munic- 希望、韧性和决心,也展现了政府和企业因时
ipal governments for working closely with our 而变的出色能力。中国政府在新冠疫情的防控
Chamber to successfully resolve this issue. I 上采取了一系列措施,并取得了显著成就,并
am also grateful to United Airlines for working 竭尽所能支持我们的会员企业复工复产。
closely with our Chamber to enable the speedy
return of our member company executives, 为了确定2020年上半年华南地区企业的
teachers and administrators of international 业务状况,并评估新旧挑战所带来的一系列影
schools at reduced costs.
Analysis of this mid-year study shows
us hope, resilience, determination and the
ability to change and adopt by business and