Page 4 - 2020 Mid-Year Special Report
P. 4
ernment alike. Steps taken by the Chi- 响,自8月28日起至9月8日,华南美国商会对
nese government resulted in remarkable 172家不同背景的会员企业进行了全面研究。
achievement in controlling the COVID-19
pandemic. The Chinese government also 尽管本研究结果显示,不同背景的公司在
successfully took nearly every possible step 具体数据上具有令人惊讶的相似性,但在本报
in supporting our companies to resume 告中,我们仍决定同时显示汇总的、按地区(
operation and production. 美国、中国和其他地区)划分的、以及某些情
In order to determine the state of busi-
ness in South China in the first half of 2020 本次调查研究数据表明,受访企业100%
and to assess the impact of many ongoing 处于运营状态。 超过78%的受访企业不再面临
and new challenges, the American Chamber 供应链方面的困难,较2020年3月12日我商会
of Commerce in South China conducted a 发布《关于COVID-19新冠疫情对供应链影响的
comprehensive study involving 172 com- 特别报告》以来增长46%。
panies of various origin from August 28th to
September 8th. 尽管中美之间的紧张关系日益加剧,新冠
While the study shows surprising 不论其背景如何,都对其2020年下半年经营状
similarities in responses from companies of 况保持乐观。这些企业在挑战中仍显示出继续
various origin, in this report we have decided 发展壮大的强烈意愿。
to show the combined responses, as well as,
by individual regions (U.S., China, and Other) 最后,我要为所有真正的英雄——所有奋
and in some cases also by industry. 斗在一线的员工鼓掌,如果没有他们,上述一
This study shows 100% of the compa-
nies studied are operational. Over 78% no 我们期待没有新冠疫情的、身体健康、经
longer face difficulties with the supply chain, 济繁荣的未来。毕竟,我们所有人都有一个共
an increase of 46% since March 12, 2020 同的目标,就是要给我们的孩子们比过去更好
when we released our Special Report on the 的生活。我相信,我们为这一共同目标一起努
Impact of COVID-19 on the Supply Chain. 力,将促进世界和平与繁荣。
Despite increasing tensions between Chi- 祝好!
na and US, and challenges posed by COVID-19,
90% of the studied companies, regardless of 哈利•赛亚丁博士
origin, hold a positive outlook for the second 2017年奥斯陆商业促和平奖获奖者(同期
half of 2020. These companies display a strong
will to continue to grow and expand amid the 获奖者包括伊隆•马斯克)
continued current difficulties. 由诺贝尔和平奖及经济奖评审委员会颁发
Lastly, I want to applaud all front line work- 阿来龙能源总裁
ers who are the true heroes, without them none of 暨南大学访问学者
the above would have been possible. 华南美国商会会长
nese government resulted in remarkable 172家不同背景的会员企业进行了全面研究。
achievement in controlling the COVID-19
pandemic. The Chinese government also 尽管本研究结果显示,不同背景的公司在
successfully took nearly every possible step 具体数据上具有令人惊讶的相似性,但在本报
in supporting our companies to resume 告中,我们仍决定同时显示汇总的、按地区(
operation and production. 美国、中国和其他地区)划分的、以及某些情
In order to determine the state of busi-
ness in South China in the first half of 2020 本次调查研究数据表明,受访企业100%
and to assess the impact of many ongoing 处于运营状态。 超过78%的受访企业不再面临
and new challenges, the American Chamber 供应链方面的困难,较2020年3月12日我商会
of Commerce in South China conducted a 发布《关于COVID-19新冠疫情对供应链影响的
comprehensive study involving 172 com- 特别报告》以来增长46%。
panies of various origin from August 28th to
September 8th. 尽管中美之间的紧张关系日益加剧,新冠
While the study shows surprising 不论其背景如何,都对其2020年下半年经营状
similarities in responses from companies of 况保持乐观。这些企业在挑战中仍显示出继续
various origin, in this report we have decided 发展壮大的强烈意愿。
to show the combined responses, as well as,
by individual regions (U.S., China, and Other) 最后,我要为所有真正的英雄——所有奋
and in some cases also by industry. 斗在一线的员工鼓掌,如果没有他们,上述一
This study shows 100% of the compa-
nies studied are operational. Over 78% no 我们期待没有新冠疫情的、身体健康、经
longer face difficulties with the supply chain, 济繁荣的未来。毕竟,我们所有人都有一个共
an increase of 46% since March 12, 2020 同的目标,就是要给我们的孩子们比过去更好
when we released our Special Report on the 的生活。我相信,我们为这一共同目标一起努
Impact of COVID-19 on the Supply Chain. 力,将促进世界和平与繁荣。
Despite increasing tensions between Chi- 祝好!
na and US, and challenges posed by COVID-19,
90% of the studied companies, regardless of 哈利•赛亚丁博士
origin, hold a positive outlook for the second 2017年奥斯陆商业促和平奖获奖者(同期
half of 2020. These companies display a strong
will to continue to grow and expand amid the 获奖者包括伊隆•马斯克)
continued current difficulties. 由诺贝尔和平奖及经济奖评审委员会颁发
Lastly, I want to applaud all front line work- 阿来龙能源总裁
ers who are the true heroes, without them none of 暨南大学访问学者
the above would have been possible. 华南美国商会会长