Page 11 - 2020 Mid-Year Special Report
P. 11
analyzed by origins of companies, it is found 如果按公司背景进行分析,我们发现
that more Chinese companies enjoyed in- 2020年上半年有更多的中资企业的
crease in their year-on-year revenues in China in 在华收入持同比增长态势,其中分别有22
the first half of 2020, with 22% and 18% report- %和18%的受访企业表示在华收入同比略
ing slight or substantial increase in year-on-year 微增长和大幅增长,而34%的来自其他国
revenue, versus 34% of companies from other 家或者地区的企业和26%的美资企业表示
countries and 26% of US companies. 在华收入同比增长。

Regardless of origin, the percentage of com- 无论企业背景如何,2020年上半年在中国
panies suffering from revenue losses in China 遭受收入损失的企业所占百分比均高于收入
in first half of 2020 is higher than those expe- 增加的企业。来自中美两国以外国家的企业
riencing increased revenue. Companies from 遭受的损失最大,其中有56%的受访企业
countries other than China and US suffered 称其2020年上半年在华收入有所下降。收
the most, with 56% of companies reporting 入下降的中资、美资企业均占46%。
a decrease in revenue in China in first half of
2020. 46% of both Chinese and US companies 美资企业中,与上一年同比收入持平的企业所
witnessed a decrease in revenue in China in 占百分比大大高于中资企业或其他国家的企
first half of 2020. 业,28%的美资企业收入与去年基本持平,
The percentage of US companies reporting
comparable revenue with past year is much
higher than that of Chinese companies or com-
panies of other countries, with 28% of US com-
panies reporting that their revenue was basically
the same as last year versus only 15% of Chinese
companies and 10% of other companies.

Revenue in China in the First Half of 2020 (by Origin of Company)
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16