Page 98 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 98
Guangxi-ASEAN Economic and “separation between business licenses and permits” to
Technological Development Zone further simplify the approval procedures and create a
convenient business environment. The pilot reform of
In March 2004, the Guangxi-ASEAN Economic and “separation between business licenses and permits”
Technological Development Zone (the “ASEAN Economic includes 14 approvals and reforms. After the reform,
Development Zone”) was established in Nanning, market access and supervision efficiency will be
Guangxi. On March 2, 2013, with the approval of the further improved.
State Council, the ASEAN Economic Development
Zone was upgraded to a state-level economic and On October 29, 2018, at the 2018 Urban Development
technological development zone. The planning of Summit Forum with the theme of “Trends in China:
the ASEAN Economic Development Zone includes discussions on the Today’s Investment Trend”, the
four functional zones: Comprehensive Industrial Park, Guangxi-ASEAN Economic Development Zone indicated
Nanning Education Park, Cultural Tourism Leisure Zone that it would adhere to the integration of industrial
and Modern Agricultural Demonstration Area. The function and urban function, continue to expand and
ASEAN Economic Development Zone is an important strengthen the industry, accelerate the development of
carrier of China-ASEAN Expo and one of the 14 key modern agriculture and modern services, and continue
industrial parks in Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. to promote the construction of education parks, while
continuing to deepen the reform of “streamlining
In recent years, the ASEAN Economic Development administration, delegating more powers, improving
Zone has a total investment of about 40 billion yuan regulation, and providing better services” and optimize
and 345 projects have been introduced. Currently, the project approval process.
more than 270 enterprises have settled in the ASEAN
Economic Development Zone (nine Fortune Global GuangxiDongxingNationalKeyExperimental
500 enterprises, 5 listed enterprises, 33 foreign-funded Zone for Development and Opening-up
enterprises and 15 Taiwan-funded enterprises), creating
industrial advantages of food processing, machinery The Guangxi Dongxing National Key Experimental
manufacturing, biomedicine and the like. The food Zone for Development and Opening-up (the “Dongxing
processing industry has developed into the largest Experimental Zone”) is one of the first three frontier
food industry base in Guangxi and even in Southwest development and opening-up experimental zones in
China. In 2015, the first “platform for national medicine China, which is located in the core region of Guangxi
innovation” of the ASEAN Economic Development Zone Beibu Gulf Economic Zone and the overlap of the
was built and operated, and became one of the main Southwest China economic circle, the Pan-Pearl River
carriers of innovation of traditional Chinese medicine; in Delta economic circle and the ASEAN economic circle.
December 2016, the construction of Guangxi Nanning It is the national important gateway for promoting
Scisky Industrial Park, with a total investment of 6 billion the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative
yuan, was officially initiated. and the pivot for Southwest and South Central China’s
development and opening-up.
The ASEAN Economic Development Zone has
preferential finance and taxation policies, including In July 2017, the State Council approved the
the reduction or exemption of corporate income tax Implementation Plan for the Construction of Dongxing
for enterprises engaged in agriculture, forestry, animal Experimental Zone, which indicates that “Strive to build
husbandry and fishery projects; a reduced corporate Dongxing Experimental Zone into an important platform
income tax of 15%for state-supported high-tech for deepening the strategic cooperation between China
enterprises; special finance and taxation policies for and ASEAN, an important economic growth point along
Taiwan-funded enterprises; and the exemption from the border area, an important hub for international
customs duty on the self-use equipment imported for channel to connect China and Southeast Asia, and a
encouraged foreign-invested industries within the total demonstration area for diplomatic policies of creating
amount of investment. an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood ”. In
August 2012, the construction of Dongxing Experimental
On August 16, 2018, the ASEAN Economic Zone was officially launched. In December 2012, the
Development Zone implemented a pilot reform of People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous

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