Page 94 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 94
Fig 10 Guangxi is one of the major automobile production hubs in China

Note:Asof 2017
Source: Wind

Encourage foreign investment in producer services Fully implement “single-window” system for
such as modern logistics, information services, international trade, promote port logistics information
financial services, e-commerce, business convention connectivity between provinces along the China-
and exhibition, technology services, human resources Singapore Connectivity Southbound Channel and
services, energy saving and environmental protection relevant ASEAN countries, complete the inspection and
services, marine services; support foreign investment in acceptance of a number of ports for the opening-up,
consumer services such as tourism, business services, copy the experience gained in the pilot reform of the
health endowment, housekeeping services, education Free Trade Zones, promote the resumption of China-
training, and cultural entertainment; Vietnam cross-border direct freight transportation,
optimize visas for foreign talents and work convenience
Support foreign investment to participate in and a series of measures, strive to achieve full coverage
infrastructure construction by means of franchising of “single-window” comprehensive business for
according to the laws and regulations, including energy, international trade by 2020, rank the top for the business
transportation, water conservancy, environmental environment comprehensive level in China and march
protection, municipal public works; toward legalization, internationalization and facilitation.

Encourage foreign investors to set up regional Policy Measures on Accelerating the Con-
headquarters and functional institutions and struction of China-Singapore Connectivity
encourage foreign-funded enterprises to carry out R&D Southbound Channel in Guangxi (Trial im-
activities in Guangxi. plementation)

Several Opinions on Further Deepening In July 2018, the People’s Government of Guangxi
Reform and Innovation to Improve the Zhuang Autonomous Region released Policy Measures
Business Environment on Accelerating the Construction of China-Singapore
Connectivity Southbound Channel in Guangxi (Trial
On May 27, 2018, the People’s Government of Implementation), proposing that Guangxi will provide
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region released Several preferential policies in terms of the Southbound Channel
Opinions on Further Deepening Reform and Innovation operation of trains and liners, logistics and customs
to Improve the Business Environment, including: clearance fees, cold chain logistics system construction and

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