Page 100 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
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Region issued Several Policy Measures on Accelerating and prioritize the development of modern service
the Construction of Dongxing Key Experimental Zone industries such as trade, finance and information.
for Development and Opening-up, and introduced 34
policy supports. In December 2015, the State Council - Lingang Industrial Zone. Root in Qisha Industrial
released Opinions on Several Policy Measures in Support Zone, prioritize the development of industries with
of Development and Opening-Up of Key Border Regions, port characteristics, undertake industrial transfers at
which specifies a series of support policies for Dongxing home and abroad, forming industrial clusters, and
Experimental Zone from 31 aspects, including programs build an advanced equipment manufacturing base
to develop border areas and improve the lives of the and an energy and chemical base.
border residents, system and institutional reform, trade
structure adjustment, differentiated support policies, - Ecological Agricultural Zone. Located at the foot
infrastructure construction, financial and tax support, of the Shiwandashan Mountain to the south, root in
financial innovation, and tourism opening-up. the northern mountainous area of Dongxing City and
the northern area of Jiangshan Town of Fangcheng
Dongxing Experimental Zone covers Dongxing District, prioritize the development of industries
City and Gangkou District under the administration with sub-tropical characteristics, such as agriculture,
of Fangchenggang Municipality, as well as towns of ecological tourism and leisure agriculture, build
Fangcheng, Jiangshan and Maoling of Fangcheng ecological protective screen in border waters and
District, with a total area of 1,226 square kilometers reserve land for the development of the Dongxing
and population of 483,000. Dongxing Experimental Experimental Zone.
Zone connects ASEAN countries through sea and land
transportation. With a land border of 100.9 kilometers Dongxing Experimental Zone enjoys a new round of
and a sea border of 537.8 kilometers, it has five national multiple preferential policies for the West Development
ports including the largest port in Western China, strategy, coastal area, border area, national minority
Fangcheng port, and five barter trade zone for residents and China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone. As the largest port
living close to the borders. in western China and one of the 12 main hub ports
along the Chinese coast, Fangcheng Port has 30 berths
The five functional zones of key layout of Dongxing of 200,000 tons, connecting with more than 250 ports
Experimental Zone: of more than 100 countries. It is the most convenient
sea port in western China. Dongxing Experimental Zone
- International Economic and Trade Zone. Root is investing over 200 billion yuan to comprehensively
in the border and coastal area of Dongxing City and build several large coastal industrial projects valued 100
Fangcheng District, prioritize the development of billion yuan or 10 billion yuan respectively, to accelerate
international trade and exhibition, logistics, import the development of 100 billion yuan industrial zones,
and export processing, cultural tourism and other such as Qisha Industrial Zone, Greater Southwest
industries, and build a highly open international Industrial Zone, and Qisha East Island. Those projects
economic and trade cooperation base and an cover industries such as iron and steel, energy, ocean
international tourism base. engineering equipment manufacturing, chemicals, non-
ferrous metals, grain and oil, logistics, etc.
- Port Logistics Zone. Root in Yuwangang District
in Fangchenggang Municipality, prioritize the China (Dongxing) - Vietnam (Mong Cai)
development of port transportation, international Cross-border Economic Cooperation Zone
logistics and transshipment business, expand bonded
business, and build an modern logistics base. China (Dongxing) - Vietnam (Mong Cai) Cross-border
Economic Cooperation Zone is located in the core
- International Business Zone. Root in the region of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone and in the
municipal administrative center and the central overlap of the Southwest China economic circle, the
downtown of Fangcheng District, develop it into the Pan-Pearl River Delta economic circle and the ASEAN
cultural center, commercial center and administrative economic circle. It is an important node for China to
center of the city, strive to build a new ecological implement the Belt and Road Initiative, an important
bay city and an international business service base, platform for China to open up and cooperate with

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