Page 102 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 102
ASEAN countries and a demonstration area for China- - Customs territory tax policy. Enterprises in
Vietnam economic, trade and investment cooperation. the zone enjoy favourable policies such as bonded
In November 2015, Guangxi, China and Quang Ninh, tax, tax reduction or exemption, and tax refund.
Vietnam jointly signed Cooperation Agreement on According to the principle of reciprocity, the taxation
Building Friendly Local Organizations Between Guangxi of enterprises, individuals and other organizations of
Zhung Autonomous Region Committee of CCP and both countries in the zone shall be levied at the lower
Quang Ninh Province Committee of VCP, proposing to tax rate.
accelerate the construction of the China-Vietnam Cross-
border Economic Cooperation Zone. In October 2013, - Special border trade policies, special financial
during Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to Vietnam, China and policies, etc.
Vietnam reached a consensus and decided to construct
China (Dongxing) - Vietnam (Mong Cai) Cross-border
Economic Cooperation Zone. The joint communique
issued by China and Vietnam on 11 May 2017 specified
that both countries should speed up to negotiate and
sign the Overall Plan for the Construction of China-
Vietnam Cross-border Economic Cooperation Zone.

China (Dongxing) - Vietnam (Mong Cai) Cross-border
Economic Cooperation Zone covers a total planned
area of 23.44 square kilometers, including 9.94 square
kilometers planned within Chinese territory and 13.5
square kilometers within Vietnamese territory. The
core area of the Chinese side focuses on industries of
finance and trade, electronics and machinery, textile
and garment, new energy, modern logistics, agricultural
product processing and so on, to build “One Zone
and Three Parks” (Financial and Trade Zone, Shenzhen
Electronic Technology Industrial Park, Hong Kong Textile
and Garment Industrial Park, Taiwan Processing Trade and
Logistics Comprehensive Industrial Park). Dongxing Cross-
border Economic Cooperation Zone is now speeding up
its development and construction, and will become a new
growth point of China’s border economic development.

According to the release of Guangxi Dongxing
Experimental Zone Management Committee in May
2018, the Zone is expected to enjoy the following
preferential policies upon the approval of the Overall
Plan for China-Vietnam Cross-border Economic
Cooperation Zone.

- Special origin policy. Chinese and Vietnamese
enterprises can choose to use certificates of origin
of China or Vietnam for products produced in the
Cross-border Economic Cooperation Zone and enjoy
preferential tax rate in import and export trade.

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