Page 96 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
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others , and accelerate the construction of China-Singapore China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park focuses on six
Connectivity Southbound Channel in 2018-2020. major industries: equipment manufacturing, electronic
information, food processing, materials and new
Guangxi is determined to capitalize on its geographic materials, biotech and modern services.
advantage to develop into a trade and logistic center
especially serving the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area - Equipment manufacturing: Construction
(CAFTA). The provincial capital of Nanning in particular machinery, automobile and parts, power, agriculture
plays a key role in China-ASEAN relations. The city is the and other special and general equipment, and
permanent home of the annual China-ASEAN Expo and medical equipment, etc.
the China-ASEAN Economic Park, a provincial-level park
based in the Nanning Overseas Chinese Investment - Electronic information: Intelligent electronic
Zone, which aims to enhance cooperation between the instruments, intelligent household appliances,
region and the ASEAN countries. automatic data processing equipment, new
generation of mobile communication equipment,
Special Economic Zones integrated circuits, new displays, multimedia
equipment and key devices, etc.
Guangxi has four state-level economic development
zones: Nanning Economic and Technological - Food processing: Bird’s nest processing,
Development Zone, Qinzhou Port Economic and healthcare and Muslim food, special agricultural
Technological Development Zone, China-Malaysia products and seafood deep processing, etc.
Qinzhou Industrial Park and Guangxi- ASEAN Economic
and Technological Development Zone. Among - Materials and new materials: Palm products
them, both China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park extraction new materials, new alloy materials, new
and Guangxi-ASEAN Economic and Technological chemical materials, new marine materials, etc.
Development Zone are important platforms to attract
foreign investment. In addition, Guangxi Dongxing - Biotech: General Southern Medicine and modern
National Key Experimental Zone for Development and Chinese medicine, marine biopharmaceuticals,
Opening-up is also an important platform for China- agricultural biotech, biomedical healthcare,
ASEAN cooperation. bioenvironmental protection technology, etc.

China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park - Modern services: Modern logistics, financial
insurance, commercial exhibition, cultural leisure,
China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park is the technical consultation, service outsourcing, education
third international park jointly built by the Chinese and training, regional headquarters economy, etc.
government and a foreign government. With the
objective of building a demonstration area for China- After several years of efforts, the Park has completed
ASEAN cooperation, China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial “power supply, municipal roads, water supply,
Park positions itself as “an advanced manufacturing base, telecommunications, drainage, heating, gas, land
an information wisdom corridor, a cultural and ecological levelling and greening” program covering 7.87 square
new park, a cooperation and exchange window”, and kilometers, which is convenient for industrial and urban
will also become a new urban area of “integration of projects to enter the Park on a first-come-first-served
industrial function and urban residence” which keeps basis. At the end of 2015, the Park’s objective of “laying
pace with the main urban area and Binhai New Area of a foundation for three years” was basically achieved, and
Qinzhou. The long-term planed area of China-Malaysia in 2016, the Park entered a new stage of “taking effects
Qinzhou Industrial Park is 55 square kilometers, with in five years”. As of July 2017, more than 150 enterprises
a planned population of 500,000. The Park is divided have registered in the Park, and more than 80 industrial
into four functional areas: Industrial Park, R&D Area, projects have settled in the Park with a total investment
Supporting Service Area and Residential Area. of over 40 billion yuan.

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