Page 92 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 92
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

The Economy projects in highway, railway, seaport, and airport
constructions in 2018, in addition to intracity railways in
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region both Nanning and Liuzhou. There are also water dams,
– abbreviated as Gui – is wind turbines, nuclear plants, and irrigation projects in
situated to the southwest of China, facing Vietnam across construction to fully capture the natural resources that
the Beibu Gulf. The province is thus involved in not only Guangxi has to offer.
the economic development opportunities in Southern
China, but in the Western Region Development Program Externally, Guangxi is determined to capitalize on its
and connectivity with the ASEAN countries as well. The geographic advantage to develop into a trade and logistic
province has a total area of 237,000 square kilometers, center especially serving the China-ASEAN Free Trade
and population of 48.9 million in 2017. The Zhuang Area (CAFTA). Nanning is the host of the annual China-
people, the name of which is used for the name of the ASEAN Expo, which highlights China’s market opening
region, is the largest minority in China, accounting for for ASEAN products, and China’s outbound investment
around 40% of the total population in the autonomous into ASEAN. Subsequently, ASEAN members have been
region. There are also eleven other major ethnics groups Guangxi’s largest trading partners for the past 17 years, as
in the region. they contributed 49% of its foreign trade in 2017.

In 2017, Guangxi ranked 19th out of China’s 31 Recent Policies and Reforms
provinces by size of economy, as it accounts for 2.2%
of national GDP. Its main cities in terms of economic Implementation Opinions of the People’s
activities include Nanning, Liuzhou, Guilin, Yulin, and Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autono-
Wuzhou. The primary industry remains a critical part mous Region on Expanding Opening-up and
of the economy while the share of tertiary sector Actively Introducing Foreign Investment
such as services stays relatively low when compared
to the other provinces. Automobile manufacturing, On November 16, 2017, the People’s Government
sugar manufacturing and non-ferrous metal smelting of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region released
and pressing are the three top industries in terms of Implementation Opinions of the People’s Government
industrial output. of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Expanding
Opening-up and Actively Introducing Foreign
In particular, the automobile industry in Guangxi, Investment, including:
based in Liuzhou, is one of the top production centers in
China, with hubs for SAIC, FAW, Dongfeng and Sinotruk Relax restrictions on foreign investment access to
as well as local corporates such as Wuling. Among new, services, manufacturing, mining and other industries;
higher value-added industries, pharmaceuticals have
become a special focus in Guangxi with its history as a Encourage foreign investors to invest strategic
major production base for Traditional Chinese Medicines. emerging industries such as new generation of
information technology, new materials, intelligent
Compared to the more developed provinces in the equipment manufacturing, new energy automobile,
eastern area, Guangxi continues to benefit significantly energy conservation and environmental protection, and
from investments on government infrastructure, rural comprehensive health. Encourage the use of foreign
area development and poverty relief. According to investment for restructuring, upgrading, merging, and
the government work report, there are ongoing major reorganizing Chinese companies;

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