Page 90 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 90
square kilometers); Tourism and Business Zone (12
square kilometers).

Pingtan Area focuses on constructing a cross-Strait
common home and international tourist island and
providing more facilities for the free and convenient
exchange of investment, trade, capital and personnel.

Functional positioning:

- Port Economic and Trade Zone: Accelerate
the construction of industrial functional platforms
such as port logistics cluster, business services
cluster, and electronic industry cluster; focus on the
development of international trade, modern logistics,
business services, electronic information equipment
manufacturing, etc.

- High-tech Industrial Zone: Explore cross-Strait
cooperation in building high-tech industrial bases,
accelerate the construction of industrial functional
platforms such as R&D headquarters cluster, marine
industry cluster, high-end light manufacturing
industry cluster, give full play to policy advantages
of place of origin, and focus on the development of
marine life, medical devices, packaging materials
and light equipment manufacturing and other high-
tech industries.

- To u r i s m a n d B u s i n e s s Z o n e : Fo c u s o n
connecting Taiwan tourism and tourist services;
accelerate the construction of industrial functional
platforms such as coastal tourist cluster, cross-Strait
tourism business cluster, agricultural and fishing
products processing industry cluster.

Except for the Free Trade Zone, Fujian has 10
national Economic and Technological Development
Zones, including: Fuzhou Economic and Technological
Development Zone, Xiamen Haicang Investment Zone,
Fuqing Rongqiao Economic and Technological
Development Zone, Dongshan Economic and
Technological Development Zone, Zhangzhou
China Merchants Economic and Technological
Development Zone, Quanzhou Economic and
Technological Development Zone, Zhangzhou
Taiwanese Investment Zone, Quanzhou Taiwanese
Investment Zone, Longyan Economic and
Technological Development Zone, and Dongqiao
Economic and Technological Development Zone.

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