Page 88 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 88
into Fuzhou Economic and Technological Development and export trade, bonded warehousing and bonded
Zone (22 square kilometers) and Fuzhou Bonded Port exhibition and transaction.
Area (9.26 square kilometers).
Xiamen Area of China (Fujian) Pilot Free
Focusing on the strategy of considering cross- Trade Zone
Strait demand, serving the country, and opening to
the world, Fuzhou Area is designed to be developed Xiamen Area covers a total area of 43.78 square
into an advanced manufacturing base, an important kilometers, with a focus on building a demonstration
platform for the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and area for cross-Strait emerging industry and modern
a demonstration area for cross-Strait service trade service industry cooperation, a Southeast international
cooperation and financial innovation cooperation. shipping center, a cross-Strait regional financial service
center and a cross-Strait trade center. The Area includes
Fuzhou Area focuses on building an advanced two blocks:
manufacturing base, an important platform for countries
and regions along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road - The Core Area of the Cross-Strait Trade
and a demonstration area for cross-Strait service trade Center covers an area of 19.37 square kilometers.
cooperation and financial innovation cooperation. It is designed to develop modern port-vicinity
industries such as shipping logistics, imports
Location layout of “Two sections and seven blocks” of and exports, bonded logistics, valued-added
Fuzhou Area: processing, service outsourcing and bulk
commodities trade, to build a highly efficient,
- F u z h o u E c o n o m i c a n d Te c h n o l o g i c a l convenient, green and low-carbon logistics
Development Zone has a planned area of 22 square network and a modern shipping service system
kilometers and is divided into five blocks. Majiang with high-quality services and complete
Block (also covering an area of 0.6 square kilometers functions, and to build itself into an important
within Fuzhou Bonded Port Area) focuses on the international container hub port in the Asian-
development of the important trade platform Pacific region focusing on the west coast of
for the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, cultural the Taiwan Strait, serving Taiwan, the Mainland
creativity, commodity exhibition and transaction. and the world and having the ability to allocate
Kuai’an Block focuses on the development of high- global shipping resources.
tech industry, industrial finance, service trade (cross-
border e-commerce). Chang’an Block (also covering - The Haicang Por t Area of the Southeast
an area of 1.14 square kilometers within Fuzhou International Shipping Center covers an area of 24.41
Export Processing Zone) focuses on the development square kilometers. It is designed to develop emerging
of processing trade, bonded warehousing and industries and high-end service industries, such
cold chain logistics. Langqi Block focuses on the as high-tech scientific research and development,
development of tourism, education and training, information consumption, airport-vicinity industries,
health and medical treatment. Nantai Island Block international trade services, financial services,
focuses on the development of cross-Strait financial professional services and cruise economy. It aims
services innovation, professional exhibition services, to build a regional international trade center that
commodity exhibition and transaction. focuses on the Mainland China and opens to the
Asian-Pacific region.
- Fuzhou Bonded Por t Area has a planned
area of 9.26 square kilometers and is divided into 2 Pingtan Area of China (Fujian) Pilot Free
blocks. Xincuo Block focuses on the development Trade Zone
of advanced manufacturing industry (highlighting
bonded automobile maintenance and refit, aircraft Pingtan Area of China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade
research and development, manufacturing, operation Zone covers an area of 43 square kilometers and is
and maintenance), and finance leases. Jiangyin divided into 3 blocks: Port Economic and Trade Zone
Block focuses on the development of international (16 square kilometers); High-tech Industrial Zone (15
shipping and logistics, vehicle and spare parts import

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