Page 72 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 72
actively connect the Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomeration From 2017 to 2022, the new projects (excluding the real
with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay estate, finance industry and similar financial industry,
Area by accelerating the planning and construction of the same below) with annual actual foreign investment
main transport infrastructure, the construction of major (excluding foreign shareholder loan, the same below) of
port projects, an international aviation hub,a marine more than US$50 million, the capital-increase projects
economic demonstration area, etc. with more than US$30 million and headquarters or
regional headquarters of multinational companies
Policies and Measures of Guangdong with more than US$10 million will be rewarded with
Province on Further Expanding Opening- no less than 2% of its annual actual foreign investment
up and Actively Attracting Foreign Direct accordingly by the provincial financial funds, with a
Investment (Revised) maximum incentive of 100 million yuan;

On 29 August 2018, the government of Guangdong The headquarters or regional headquarters of
province published Policies and Measures of Guangdong foreign-invested multinational companies enjoy
Province on Further Expanding Opening-up and Actively financial incentive according to a certain proportion
Attracting Foreign Direct Investment (Revised) (the “Ten of their financial contribution. The headquarters or
Policies and Measures on Foreign Direct Investment”), regional headquarters of foreign-invested multinational
which proposes ten practical policies and measures for companies will enjoy a one-time incentive of 30% of
attracting high-quality foreign investment, high-level its provincial financial contribution, with a maximum
talents and for addressing foreign investors’ concerns on incentive of 100 million yuan for the year when they
finance, tax, land use, etc., including: have first contributed over 100 million yuan to the
provincial finance.
Further expand areas of foreign investment market
access. Support the establishment of wholly foreign- Special Economic Zones
owned enterprises in sectors including manufacturing
of special vehicles and new energy vehicles; China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone
design, manufacturing and repair of ships; design,
manufacturing and maintenance of mainlines, regional The GDFTZ was formally approved by the State
and general-purpose aircrafts; design and manufacturing Council and established on December 31, 2014.The
of helicopters of three tons or above; design and scope of implementation for GDFTZ is set at 116.2
manufacturing of drones and aerostats; construction square kilometers and covers three areas: Nansha Area
and operation of petrol stations; international maritime of Guangzhou, a 60 square kilometers district (including
transport and railway passenger transport; 7.06 square kilometers of Guangzhou’s Nansha Bonded
Port Area); Qianhai & Shekou Area of Shenzhen, a
To remove the foreign equity cap on Chinese banks 28.2 square kilometers district (including 3.71 square
and financial asset managers established in Guangdong kilometers of Shenzhen’s Qianhai Bay Bonded Port Area),
and support foreign banks to set up branches and and Hengqin Area of Zhuhai, a 28 square kilometers
subsidiaries in Guangdong; district, which officially launched in April 2015.

Deepen the opening-up of service industries in the To advance the facilitation of investment and trade,
GDFTZ under CEPA, promote and expand the scope of the GDFTZ has implemented a series of innovative
legal affairs accepted and undertaken by partnership law policies from the following six aspects:
firms jointly owned by partners from the Mainland, Hong
Kong and Macao, try out Hong Kong’s management - Investment facilitation: Pre-establishment
mode in the field of engineering construction, and national treatment and negative list management
manage air-routes heading for Hong Kong and Macao as mode will be implemented for overseas investment.
the domestic special routes. For fields that fall outside the negative lists, foreign
investment projects will be filed.
If foreign investment injected into a real economy
project reaches a certain scale, a proportion of financial - Trade facilitation: At Guangzhou’s Nansha
incentive shall be granted based on the contribution. Bonded Port Area, Shenzhen’s Qianhai Bay Bonded

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