Page 70 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
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import vehicles;” “support cross-border e-commerce Prioritizing Cooperation in Implementing
businesses to sort out products first and then handle the Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomeration
customs declaration when the bonded commodity stock Development Plan (2018-2019)
for cross-border e-commerce enters areas under special
customs supervision;” “allow applicants for registering On 9 May 2018, the governments of Guangdong
medical devices that are located within the pilot free Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and
trade zone to entrust Guangdong-based medical device Hainan Province reached an agreement on Prioritizing
manufacturers to manufacture their products. Optimize Cooperation in Implementing Beibu Gulf Urban
the quarantine and verification procedures for biological Agglomeration Development Plan (2018 - 2019) (the
materials and special articles used in experiments “Agreement”). According to the Agreement, the three
conducted for the globally coordinated research and regions will strengthen cooperation in five sectors,
development of biological medicine;” “introduce and especially strengthening the communication and
improve accompanying regulatory systems for various connection in order to actively connect the Beibu Gulf
business forms, including cross-border e-commerce, Urban Agglomeration with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-
parallel-import vehicles and finance leases;” “Support Macao Greater Bay Area.
the establishment of pilot comprehensive cross-border
e-commerce zones in Zhuhai,” so as to bring substantial According to the Agreement, the three regions will
policy benefits for the development of technology trade, prioritize cooperation in promoting the development
cross-border e-commerce, international maintenance, of Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomeration from five aspects
parallel imports and other new forms of business in the during 2018 to 2019. Firstly, advance pilot projects
pilot free trade zone. including transportation infrastructure facilities and
build interconnected transportation network. For
IV. New measures in financial opening-up and innovation. example, the preliminary work in the planning and
construction of a high-speed railway project - which
The Plan proposes to take new measures that can will link the cities of Zhangjiajie, Guilin, Yulin, Zhanjiang
further improve the financial services for cross-border and Haikou - will be launched, and the three regions will
investment and trade and encourage the integration try to integrate the project into related national plans.
and innovation of finance and technology, such as Secondly, improve joint-action mechanisms in ecological
“support qualified Chinese and foreign-invested financial governance and strengthen joint prevention and control
institutions to deepen their cooperation in equity and of ecological environment by establishing a unified and
business;” “actively attract different types of domestic efficient environmental monitoring system, a cross-
and foreign headquarters and large conglomerates district joint coordination mechanism in protection and
to establish settlement centers;” “continue to conduct control of environmental pollution, a joint enforcement
research into establishing an innovative futures exchange and supervision mechanism in environmental
where carbon emission rights will become the first trading management and carrying out a joint enhancement in
category;” “work hard to develop outbound investment protecting Beibu Gulf’s marine ecological environment.
insurance, export credit insurance, cargo transport Thirdly, advance the development of major opening-
insurance, project construction insurance, etc.;” “support up channels and platforms to deepen the opening-up
the pilot free trade zone to make active efforts to have and cooperation in both rail-and-ocean transportation
the zone covered under the pilot program on investment by accelerating integration of port and waterway
and loan linkage;” “form a regional equity market in resources from the north side and the south side of
Guangdong, and introduce investment institutions from Qiongzhou Strait, to jointly build a secure, smooth
Hong Kong, Macao or other countries in due time to and efficient transportation channel of Qiongzhou
participate in transactions, depending on the opening-up Strait. Fourthly, promote connected and integrated
progress of the capital market;” and “work hard to develop development of industries and other basic cooperation
the Fintech, and accelerate the research and application projects to accelerate industrial linkage development
of blockchain and big data technologies.” by communicating comprehensively, innovating
industry cooperation models, boosting the planning
and construction of Qiongzhou Strait Economic Belt,
and jointly building world-class tourist destinations.
Fifthly, strengthen communication and connection and

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