Page 76 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 76
Macao, and an industry management system that is yuan in 2014 to 195.17 billion yuan in 2017. The total
consistent with the management standards of Hong cargo throughput exceeded 900 million tons, and the
Kong and Macao service markets will be developed. container throughput exceeded 38 million teus, driving
Guangzhou Port to become the port with a throughput
Nansha Area of Guangzhou of 20 million teus in the world; the shipping lines reach
more than 200 port cities around the world. As of the
On April 21, 2015, Nansha Area of Guangzhou was end of 2017, 4,802 domestic and international shipping
officially launched. Nansha Area of Guangzhou’s basic and logistics enterprises had settled in Nansha Area.
strategic positioning are as follows: giving full play to
the advantages of being located in the geometric center Qianhai & Shekou Area of Shenzhen
of the Pearl River Delta and abundant in port resources,
connecting Hong Kong and Macao, serving the On April 27, 2015, Qianhai & Shekou Area of Shenzhen
Mainland, prioritizing shipping logistics, international was officially launched. Qianhai & Shekou Area’s total
finance, international trade, technology innovation, area is 28.2 square kilometers, among which, 15 square
marine economy and high-end manufacturing and other kilometers (including 3.71 square kilometers of Qianhai
industries, to be established as a new modern industrial Bay Bonded Port Area) is occupied by Qianhai district and
base with manufacturing service industry as the focus, 13.2 square kilometers is occupied by Shekou district.
a world-leading comprehensive service hub, and a
demonstration area for comprehensive cooperation Qianhai & Shekou Area’s functions are as follows:
between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. capitalizing on the advantages and extensive experience
in marketization, legalization and internationalization in
Highlights of investment policies include: supporting Shenzhen, utilizing the prime locations in carrying out
Nansha financial institutions in providing cross-border the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road strategy to further
RMB settlement financial services to residents of Hong integrate the resources of Shenzhen and Hong Kong and
Kong, Macao and Taiwan; supporting Guangdong, Hong gather global high-end resources, prioritizing finance,
Kong and Macao in jointly setting up RMB Overseas modern logistics, information services, science and
Investment and Loan Funds in the Pilot Free Trade Zone; technology services, professional services, port services,
supporting foreign-funded insurance companies in shipping services and other strategic emerging service
setting up legal entities and branches in Nansha Area; industries so as to facilitate the economic integration
allowing overseas investors to set up Sino-foreign joint and development of Shenzhen and Hong Kong,
ventures and cooperative enterprises without equity developing Qianhai & Shekou Area into the important
ratio limit in the Pilot Free Trade Zone for operating producer services center in Asia-Pacific region as well
international shipping services in and out of Chinese as a significant base for global service trade and an
ports; allowing professionals from Hong Kong and international hub port.
Macao to directly practice in Nansha Area and gradually
expanding the recognition of practicing qualifications; The industrial forms of the three functional zones
allowing law firms in Hong Kong and Macao to operate emphasize on different aspects:
pilot joint ventures; allowing medical and other service
institutions and practitioners in Hong Kong and Macao - Qianhai Financial Business Zone: Mainly undertake
to provide corresponding services in Nansha Area the function of trade in services, prioritizing finance,
after obtaining registration and license; implementing information services, scientific and technological
negative list and pre-establishment national treatment services and professional services, build a pilot and
for overseas investment. demonstration window for China’s financial industry
opening to the outside world and an important
Since its launch, Nansha Area has vigorously producer service center in Asia-Pacific region;
promoted port clearance facilitation measures, formed
“Smart Port” brand, and a total of 141 innovations in - Western Shenzhen Por t Zone: Prioritize
port trade facilitation reform measures, 36 of which were port logistics, international trade, supply chain
initiated by Nansha Area. From 2014 to 2017, the average management and high-end shipping services,
annual increase of the import and export trade of undertake the function of trade in goods, and buildan
Nansha Free Trade Zone was 14.5%, from 129.14 billion international hub port;

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