Page 8 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
P. 8
President’s Message 会长致辞

Dear Members, extraordinary 亲爱的会员:
progress has provided historic 成就,为世界和平与繁荣提供了历史性机遇。仅美中两
opportunities for world peace and 达到历史最高点。要说美中建交40周年证明了什么,那
prosperity. Daily trade between the 协同发展。

US and China is now valued at more than US$1.5 billion 尽管去年障碍重重,但美资企业在华南地区的投资
per day. The two countries are more connected than ever 特别报告》(下简称《特别报告》)显示,几乎所有外
before in their mutual history. If the 40th anniversary of 态度。

Sino-US diplomatic relationship proves nothing else, it 2019年1月中国进出口数据显示,以美元计,中国
proves that cooperation is in the best interest for both 比下降1.5%,远比10%的预期降幅要好。当月贸易顺
countries while confrontation does neither country any
good. To succeed, both countries must work together. 用美中为期90天的“休战期”,交付了两国的紧急订
In spite of all of the obstacles thrown at it last 达20%至30%。好消息是,特朗普总统在2月中旬两国
year, the state of business in South China for American 贸易谈判期间宣布,他愿意考虑将3月1号对中国加征关
investment remains robust. Almost all of the businesses 税的期限延后,并保持对华进口税率,暂不上调。
who participated in our 2019 Special Report on the State
of Business in South China remain profitable in China and 《特别报告》的许多调查结果也显示,大多数企业
optimistic towards the future of the economy. 高管有足够的时间来评估贸易争端对企业业务的短期冲
China’s January export and import data, released 两国的再投资计划。虽然中国经济确实略有放缓,但仍
shortly before this publication went to print, show 以超过6%的速度增长。在2018年推迟再投资的企业增
China’s January dollar-denominated exports rose 9.1 加了2019年在华再投资的预算,以解决去年因此得不
percent from a year ago, healthily beating a forecast 到满足而增加的客户需求。然而,尽管面向中国市场的
of a 3.2 percent contraction. China’s imports fell 1.5 生产再投资大幅增加,但某些企业也将出口制造的相关
percent over the same period proving far better than 部分再投资转移至其他亚洲国家。
the ten-percent predicted decline. China’s overall
trade surplus of US$39.16 billion in January also 或许这些企业是在两方下注。同时,美中两国的新
outperformed the estimates. 闻媒体充斥着双方的高谈阔论和报复性关税的报道。大
The January figures can easily confirm the findings 后的很长一段时期内产生影响。且到目前为止,美中两
of this Special Report as many companies have taken 国的关税对企业的负面影响已经超过了正面影响。
advantage of the 90-day truce between the US and
China, completing orders for rush delivery from the US 然而,相比过去两年,受访企业2018年全球年收
and China. Those orders or deals account for 20 to 30 入和中国市场年收入的波动幅度很小,越来越多的企业
percent of the companies’ annual numbers. The good
news is that President Trump announced in mid-February
during trade negotiations between the two countries
that he may extend a March 1 deadline for a deal and
keep tariffs on Chinese goods from rising.

Among many findings, the Special Report suggests
most business executives have had sufficient time to
assess the present and possible future impact of the trade

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