Page 9 - 2019 Special Report on the State of Business in South China
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pute on their businesses, and have increased their 2019 在中国市场的利润率上升。相比2017年,这些企业的
plans for reinvestments in the US and China accordingly. 在华年收入占其全球年收入中的贡献率均有所上升。大
While it is true that China’s economy has slowed down 多数企业表示,其在华总体投资回报是积极的,因此愿
slightly, it is still growing at a rate of over six percent. 意进一步拓展全球市场和中国市场。事实上,今年的
Companies which postponed their reinvestments in 2018 《特别报告》充满了希望,却又夹杂着些许不安。
have increased their budgets for reinvestments in China in
2019 in order to keep up with customer demand—a need 我们相信,美中两国最终将达成全面协议,而无
intensified by the postponement of their reinvestments in 益于任意一方的关税浪潮将很快消退。此外,再加上中
2018. However, while the reinvestments in China related 国政府对外国直接投资(FDI)政策的放宽,应可缓解
to the production for the Chinese market have increased 当前外界对中国出口制造企业长期生存能力的疑虑,并
substantially, a few companies have also shifted some 为其争取一些时间以适应替代供应链。对此通过万般游
export-manufacturing-related reinvestments to other 说、辛勤工作得来的结果,华南美国商会与总部位于美
Asian countries. 国华盛顿特区的美国全国商会以及其他商协会均感其来
Perhaps these companies are hedging their bets.
The news media has been full of lofty rhetoric and 与此同时,我们也很高兴地看到,广州从35个城
reports of retaliatory tariffs from both sides. Most of the 市中脱颖而出,再次被我们的受访企业选为中国最受欢
respondents believe that the dispute between the US 迎的投资目的地。这之所以意义重大,是因为广州是中
and China may have repercussions long after 2019, and 国最新国家发展战略“粤港澳大湾区”的支柱城市之
that so far, the negative impact of the combined tariffs on 一。大部分企业对粤港澳大湾区的未来发展持乐观态
companies has exceeded the positive. 度。公众普遍认可的、有助于粤港澳大湾区实现成功的
However, compared with the past two years, 经济发展,但这离不开于今年2月18日公布的《粤港澳
companies only report very slight fluctuations in the 大湾区发展规划纲要》的落地实施。虽然华南地区外资
global annual revenue and annual revenue in China in 企业的发展正迎来更加美好的时代,但仍有大量工作尚
2018. An increasing number of our respondents have 待完成。
gained more revenue from China, and more companies
report that the percentage of their global annual revenue 作为拥有2300多名会员的华南美国商会会长,我
from China has increased compared with 2017. Most 明白外企在华面临的绝大多数问题与中央政府无关。大
of the companies report that their overall return on 部分问题的产生,均为基层政府的不公平对待以及外资
investment in China is positive and will be more willing 企业依法获得公平听审和公平待遇的渠道或场所少之又
to expand the international and Chinese markets. Indeed, 少的直接结果。当外资企业与其合资伙伴出现法律纠纷
this year’s Special Report is filled with both hope and a bit 时,企业与政府间的界限往往不仅变得模糊,而且基层
of trepidation. 司法体系也无补于事,不禁让人体会到老话常言的“民
We believe that the US and China will eventually
reach a full agreement and the waves of tariffs that truly do 目前,若外资企业希望脱离基层政府的控制和影
not help anyone will soon subside. That, coupled with the 响寻求仲裁,几乎所求无门。这些基层市政府一方面与
softening of FDI rules and regulations in China, should ease 国内合资伙伴方存在财政关系,一方面手持“免死金
the current question marks over the long-term viability of 牌”,充当着该类企业的决策层、法官、审判员及执行
China-based export manufacturing firms, and buy them 者等角色,往往让外资企业的申诉遭到不公平的待遇。
some time to adapt to the alternative supply chains. We 在当前程序下,外资企业向上一级政府提请的任何诉
are the happiest for this as our Chamber, together with the 求,必均由上一级政府分配至下一级政府裁决。
US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC, and other
business associations have worked hard through diligent 因此,我们敦促中国中央政府建立一个新的司法
lobbying to bring about a resolution. 平台,让外资企业能够提请申诉,并请中央政府能够效
plans for reinvestments in the US and China accordingly. 在华年收入占其全球年收入中的贡献率均有所上升。大
While it is true that China’s economy has slowed down 多数企业表示,其在华总体投资回报是积极的,因此愿
slightly, it is still growing at a rate of over six percent. 意进一步拓展全球市场和中国市场。事实上,今年的
Companies which postponed their reinvestments in 2018 《特别报告》充满了希望,却又夹杂着些许不安。
have increased their budgets for reinvestments in China in
2019 in order to keep up with customer demand—a need 我们相信,美中两国最终将达成全面协议,而无
intensified by the postponement of their reinvestments in 益于任意一方的关税浪潮将很快消退。此外,再加上中
2018. However, while the reinvestments in China related 国政府对外国直接投资(FDI)政策的放宽,应可缓解
to the production for the Chinese market have increased 当前外界对中国出口制造企业长期生存能力的疑虑,并
substantially, a few companies have also shifted some 为其争取一些时间以适应替代供应链。对此通过万般游
export-manufacturing-related reinvestments to other 说、辛勤工作得来的结果,华南美国商会与总部位于美
Asian countries. 国华盛顿特区的美国全国商会以及其他商协会均感其来
Perhaps these companies are hedging their bets.
The news media has been full of lofty rhetoric and 与此同时,我们也很高兴地看到,广州从35个城
reports of retaliatory tariffs from both sides. Most of the 市中脱颖而出,再次被我们的受访企业选为中国最受欢
respondents believe that the dispute between the US 迎的投资目的地。这之所以意义重大,是因为广州是中
and China may have repercussions long after 2019, and 国最新国家发展战略“粤港澳大湾区”的支柱城市之
that so far, the negative impact of the combined tariffs on 一。大部分企业对粤港澳大湾区的未来发展持乐观态
companies has exceeded the positive. 度。公众普遍认可的、有助于粤港澳大湾区实现成功的
However, compared with the past two years, 经济发展,但这离不开于今年2月18日公布的《粤港澳
companies only report very slight fluctuations in the 大湾区发展规划纲要》的落地实施。虽然华南地区外资
global annual revenue and annual revenue in China in 企业的发展正迎来更加美好的时代,但仍有大量工作尚
2018. An increasing number of our respondents have 待完成。
gained more revenue from China, and more companies
report that the percentage of their global annual revenue 作为拥有2300多名会员的华南美国商会会长,我
from China has increased compared with 2017. Most 明白外企在华面临的绝大多数问题与中央政府无关。大
of the companies report that their overall return on 部分问题的产生,均为基层政府的不公平对待以及外资
investment in China is positive and will be more willing 企业依法获得公平听审和公平待遇的渠道或场所少之又
to expand the international and Chinese markets. Indeed, 少的直接结果。当外资企业与其合资伙伴出现法律纠纷
this year’s Special Report is filled with both hope and a bit 时,企业与政府间的界限往往不仅变得模糊,而且基层
of trepidation. 司法体系也无补于事,不禁让人体会到老话常言的“民
We believe that the US and China will eventually
reach a full agreement and the waves of tariffs that truly do 目前,若外资企业希望脱离基层政府的控制和影
not help anyone will soon subside. That, coupled with the 响寻求仲裁,几乎所求无门。这些基层市政府一方面与
softening of FDI rules and regulations in China, should ease 国内合资伙伴方存在财政关系,一方面手持“免死金
the current question marks over the long-term viability of 牌”,充当着该类企业的决策层、法官、审判员及执行
China-based export manufacturing firms, and buy them 者等角色,往往让外资企业的申诉遭到不公平的待遇。
some time to adapt to the alternative supply chains. We 在当前程序下,外资企业向上一级政府提请的任何诉
are the happiest for this as our Chamber, together with the 求,必均由上一级政府分配至下一级政府裁决。
US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC, and other
business associations have worked hard through diligent 因此,我们敦促中国中央政府建立一个新的司法
lobbying to bring about a resolution. 平台,让外资企业能够提请申诉,并请中央政府能够效