Page 412 - 2018 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 412
8 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

A new government rule in 2016 banned international ignoring educational quality, to guarantee the rights of
schools attended by Chinese students from using eligible children to receive pre-school education. After
imported curricula in their entirety. The action comes 2021, attention should be paid to the improvement of
amid official concerns over the erosion of Chinese teachers’ quality and diversity of education, to further
values and national identity. Education authorities enhance educational quality, says the report (Guo,
have told administrators at international schools and China Needs).
public schools that have international units to comply
with government rules on “national education”—the Private Schools
teaching of Chinese history, constitution, law and
morals. The move comes amid growing concerns among State investment in education has increased in recent
policymakers over the rising number of international years, with the proportion of the overall budget allocated
schools and public schools that have units using Western to education being raised by over one percentage
curricula that some warn could encroach on the party- annually since 1998. Following a Ministry of Education
led school system and its values. As Chinese families program, the government will set up an educational
become increasingly wealthy, more parents perceive financing system that matches the public finance system,
international schools as a better alternative to the rigid emphasizing the responsibilities of governments at
curricula and rote learning styles used by government- all levels regarding education funding, and ensuring
run schools, and see the international schools as a faster growth of their financial allocations for education
springboard for their children to continue their studies compared to regular revenues. The program also
overseas. The Education Commission confirmed the expects government education expenditure to expand
news in a microblog reiterating that international to 4 percent of the GDP in as short a period as possible.
schools were required to comply with Chinese law For non-compulsory education, China has adopted a
and government regulations on education. The policy shared-cost mechanism, charging tuition at a certain
toward international schools that operate exclusively percentage of the cost. To ensure that students from low-
for children of foreigners remains unchanged, the income families are able to receive further education,
Commission said (Wang and Li). there are scholarships, work-study programs, subsidies,
tuition reductions or exemptions, and state loans. The
That being said, China will need nearly 110,000 more first law on Promotion of Private Education came into
kindergartens by the year 2021. Compared with 209,900 effect in 2003. The development of private schools has
kindergartens across China in 2014, it’s estimated that meant an increase in overall education supply and a
about 319,500 kindergartens will be needed by 2021. change in the traditional pattern of only-government
In addition, nearly 2 million teachers and 1.37 million funded schools to meet the public’s education needs.
child-care workers need to be added to the pre- In 2007, there were 95,200 private schools of various
school education sector in the same period. According types and levels, with a total enrollment of 25.83 million,
to a report published in Studies in Early Childhood including 295 private schools of higher education and
Education magazine, the “two-child policy” will begin to adult colleges. There were also 22,322 private training
affect the pre-school education sector in 2019 with the organizations, offering training to 8.85 million people.
number of children eligible for pre-school education Chinese laws and regulations have defined the right to
reaching a peak in 2021- about 66 million children education for people with disabilities: besides schools
being eligible for pre-school education, and 58 million for special education, any disabled children capable
of them going to kindergartens. The number will begin of adapting to regular study conditions can enroll in
to decrease year by year after 2021, with an estimated standard elementary and high schools. At present,
42 million children eligible for pre-school education China has 1,618 schools for special education, with
by 2035. However, the requirement of expenditure on 419,300 students; 1,078 vocational education and
pre-school education will keep increasing from 2016 to training institutes for the disabled and 2,257 standard
2035. Compared with about 65 billion yuan expenditure vocational training institutes, admitting 570,000 people
on pre-school education in 2013, the requirement for with disability; and 145 secondary vocational institutes
2035 will be about 652 billion yuan, with a shortfall with 11,259 such students. Since 1979, more than 30,000
of 587 billion yuan. The report suggests there should people with disabilities have been enrolled in regular
be a planned expansion of pre-school educational colleges and universities (Wang).
resources and teacher training up to 2021, without

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