Page 358 - 2018 White Paper on the Business Environment in China
P. 358
8 White Paper on the Business Environment in China

the creativity, appeal and credibility of China’s publicity” Opposing the fundamental principles laid down in
(CBBC). As they see it, the world needs to know about the constitution of the PRC
Chinese culture, a development which will help boost
the country’s attractiveness, and capacity to use “soft Jeopardizing the unification, sovereignty, and
power” to increase its influence on the global stage. territorial integrity of the state
Culture was not only “the spirit and soul of the nation”,
but also a powerful force for the development of the Divulging state secrets, jeopardizing the security of the
country. Authorities have come to realize the key role state, or impairing the prestige and interests of the state
culture plays in developing the economy and boosting
China’s image abroad. In the aftermath of the financial Inciting hatred and discrimination among ethnic
downturn in 2009, authorities identified the culture groups, harming their unity, or violating their customs
industry as a possible driver for adjusting the mainland’s and habits
economic development in an effort to balance the
pursuit of GDP growth with improving quality of life Propagating cults and superstition
for ordinary citizens and protecting the environment. Disrupting public order and undermining social stability
Beijing sees developing so-called soft power, under Propagating obscenity, gambling or violence, or
which the nation is able to influence world affairs abetting to commit crimes
through persuasion and shared interest, as a crucial foil Insulting or slandering others, or infringing upon the
to its growing economic and military might, described legitimate rights and interests of others
as “hard power”. China’s status as the world’s second Jeopardizing social ethics or fine national cultural traditions.
biggest economy means its hard power is already on
the increase. China’s culture and entertainment industry has a
broad range of areas with growing potential, including
According to Professor Zhou Xing of Beijing Normal music, live performances, theme parks, and more. Due
University’s College of Art and Communication, mainland to the sensitivity of China’s cultural sector and the
leaders saw the culture industry as another way to complex market environment, however, it is critical
achieve influence because outstanding cultural products for foreign investors to carry out detailed planning as
containing commonly recognized values would appeal well as carefully navigate industry regulations in each
to audiences overseas and lead them to embrace China. subsector (Zhang).
Professor Fan Zhou, Dean of Communication University
of China’s Institute of Cultural Industry agreed, saying Existing laws and regulations on news and
people’s views of the world around them mainly derived publishing will be extended to cover the management
from the messages conveyed through media such as of online media, according to the document. “The
radio, television and the movies. “A distinctive culture licensing mechanism on sources of online news should
would help disseminate a positive global image for be improved, while management over news gathering
China,” he said. “Our cultural prominence has become and reproduction qualifications should also be
a key and important indicator in terms of regional strengthened,” it said. The outline also vowed to set up
competitive power as we have increasingly opened up a sound system for online copyright. Aiming to ensure
to the outside world” (Jiao). a good order for communication, the government will
intensify management over search engines, instant
Content is a big issue in the culture and entertainment messaging tools and news apps, and clarify operators’
industry. China has no rating system for either movies or responsibilities for content disseminated via Weibo or
video games in place, and therefore each product has to WeChat, it said. A modern public service network should
be reviewed by the Chinese censorship system, which be put into place by 2020 with more standardized and
is officially designed to promote Confucian morality, equitable services offered, the outline said. Apart from
political stability, and social harmony. Dezan Shira & major public cultural projects, including museums,
Associates noted in China Briefing that based on related galleries, libraries and cultural centers, members of
laws and regulations, films and games share similar minority groups, disabled people, migrant workers
prohibited content, as follows: and other special groups will also receive more cultural
services. The government at all levels will be encouraged
to purchase public cultural services, and social
organizations and companies will be pushed to operate
or supply public cultural facilities. Promising major
progress in remote and poor regions, China also plans
to build more public cultural facilities, increase access to

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