Page 48 - 2016 BPA Booklet
P. 48
Global HR System Town Halls
PTalent Yammer & WeChat

Global Productivity
Platform (GPP)

A Borderless World

Implementation processes, results, feedback from stakeholders (including
customers, employees, management, business associates, partners and

• Employee satisfaction surveys have shown a 9% increase in employee satisfaction and the elimination of
“Extremely Unsatisfied” employees entirely.

We chose a few of the comments from the survey. It provides evidence that shows our initiatives have a
successful outcome and worked brilliantly.

1.Effectively communicates to the region where I work
2.Does a good job communicating to employees on matters that affect them
3.Leaders do a good job explaining reasons behind major decisions
4.When changes are made, communications are usually handled well
5.Solicits the ideas ad opinions of employees
6.Takes action on employee ideas and opinions
7.Informs me of important information that relates to my job

对比 1 年前,“超越界限”项目实施前的员工敬业度调查,雇员在满意度上提升了 9%。我们选择了一些从调查

1. 我能与我工作的区域总部有高效的沟通。
2. 与我有关的事宜,跟我很清晰地沟通。
3. 领导层对重大决策背后的原因都了清晰的讲解。
4. 当企业发生改变时,都有很好地沟通。
5. 经常征求我们的建议。
6. 对我们的建议和意见都采取行动。
7. 我总能收到对影响我工作的信息。
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