P. 41
GBA Development Forum Guangzhou 14 GBA Global leaders summit
Jan & Vision China Jan
The GBA Development Forum (Guangzhou) & The Mindfood Club Intellectual Space and
Vision China was held virtually on January Juntos Business Club organized the GBA
12, 2022. The event brought together officials, Global leader summit on January 14, 2022. More
experts, and entrepreneurs to discuss topics than 200 brilliant minds in South China, including
related to the Greater Bay Area. Dr. Harley Seydin, 6 influential leaders, joined the summit and
president of AmCham South China was also shared their career experience and life lessons
invited to the forum and made a speech. During
the speech, he noted: “ I believe GBA is one of leading teams, institutions, and corporations. Dr.
China’s most important undertakings that will Harley Seyedin was invited to join the summit and
not only help usher China into its innovation and shared his opinions and experiences on leaders’
technology-driven future but will also be a catalyst
in the growth and prosperity of Asia Pacific and skills. He hoped that this panel is not only sharing
will contribute to the world development. ” mature experiences with others but also inspire
others to meet other brilliant minds and take the
initiative to innovate.
14 Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of
Diplomatic Relations between Mexico and China
February 14, marks the 50th anniversary of the
establishment of diplomatic relations between
Mexico and the People's Republic of China. To celebrate
the anniversary and continue the friendship between
the two countries, the Mexican Consulate General in
Guangzhou recently held a celebration reception. Carlos
Giralt, Mexican CG in Guangzhou, and representatives
of the multi-national Consulate General in Guangzhou
attended the event. Dr. Harley Seyedin president of the
American Chamber of Commerce in South China was
invited to attend. During the event, Mr. Carlos Giralt
said, “Despite the outbreak, exchanges between the two
countries continued to increase, now, China and Mexico
have more opportunities than ever before to complement
each other in trade, investment, tourism, education,
science, and technology.”
Jan & Vision China Jan
The GBA Development Forum (Guangzhou) & The Mindfood Club Intellectual Space and
Vision China was held virtually on January Juntos Business Club organized the GBA
12, 2022. The event brought together officials, Global leader summit on January 14, 2022. More
experts, and entrepreneurs to discuss topics than 200 brilliant minds in South China, including
related to the Greater Bay Area. Dr. Harley Seydin, 6 influential leaders, joined the summit and
president of AmCham South China was also shared their career experience and life lessons
invited to the forum and made a speech. During
the speech, he noted: “ I believe GBA is one of leading teams, institutions, and corporations. Dr.
China’s most important undertakings that will Harley Seyedin was invited to join the summit and
not only help usher China into its innovation and shared his opinions and experiences on leaders’
technology-driven future but will also be a catalyst
in the growth and prosperity of Asia Pacific and skills. He hoped that this panel is not only sharing
will contribute to the world development. ” mature experiences with others but also inspire
others to meet other brilliant minds and take the
initiative to innovate.
14 Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of
Diplomatic Relations between Mexico and China
February 14, marks the 50th anniversary of the
establishment of diplomatic relations between
Mexico and the People's Republic of China. To celebrate
the anniversary and continue the friendship between
the two countries, the Mexican Consulate General in
Guangzhou recently held a celebration reception. Carlos
Giralt, Mexican CG in Guangzhou, and representatives
of the multi-national Consulate General in Guangzhou
attended the event. Dr. Harley Seyedin president of the
American Chamber of Commerce in South China was
invited to attend. During the event, Mr. Carlos Giralt
said, “Despite the outbreak, exchanges between the two
countries continued to increase, now, China and Mexico
have more opportunities than ever before to complement
each other in trade, investment, tourism, education,
science, and technology.”