P. 33
s is my absolute favorite anecdote to tell. I décor was absolutely stunning! I was impressed
have told it a few times over social media. I still beyond belief. Was this really Guangzhou, and was
tell it to acquaintances, new friends and old pals this what I would have missed out on if I hadn’t
when they ask how Mo and I met. And sometimes, I decided to come? I remember being so thrilled with
sit back and reminisce to myself about how I ended my last-minute decision to attend, as I made my
up meeting the love of my life in Guangzhou almost way to sit on a table of ten. Nine of whom I knew.
two decades ago because you know… and I’m not And one whom I’d never met before. Almost as
usually one to boast, but it’s such a riveting story. if the cards were stacked in my favor, this young
man’s table place card was right next to mine. We
Looking back when I was a teenager, a wide-eyed exchanged names, and I learnt that Mo had just
hopeless romantic who believed in Mr. Right, fairy arrived from a beautiful Caribbean island called
tales and soppy love stories, I always dreamed of Curacao. This was the first event he’d attended
having a ‘magical moment’ to share with others. The since arriving in Guangzhou a month ago. In his
funny thing is, I never thought my love story would suave blue suit, well-coiffed hair, tanned skin and
start in Guangzhou, in the unlikeliest of places. kind eyes, Mo was quite a sight to behold. After a
brilliant couple of hours of name card rituals (we
So, how did Mo and I meet? Why, I’m so glad you didn’t have WeChat back then), candid laughs,
asked… delicious food, stiff drinks and table prizes (yes, our
table won), an electrifying band came on to turn
It was the winter of 2004, about two years after my up the crowd. Little did I know that this handsome
arrival in Guangzhou. I had just started working stranger would be such a fantastic dancer. Who
for Guangzhou Television at that time, and part of knew, right! As soon as the music hit, he sashayed
the job involved spending almost two hours getting on the dance floor, busting out moves that still
my hair and makeup done every morning, before to this day amaze me. As the mood intensified,
heading off for a jam-packed day of filming, editing everyone got in the mood, dancing away and
and voiceovers. It was an exciting job but tedious, to singing along. I remember Mo trying to teach me
say the least. What made it even more tiring was the how to feel the rhythm of an Elvis Presley favorite
after-work events, and there were many! Sometimes ‘Viva Las Vegas’ (an impossible feat as I have two
I said yes, other times I simply had to say no, just to left feet) and sweetly smiling at me as I struggled to
catch up on sleep and self-care. One fine day, I recall copy his cool grooves in my high heels!
getting to work and seeing an invite on my desk, an
invite to the AmCham South China ‘Viva Las Vegas We parted ways that evening, me and my new
Guangzhou Ball’ on November 13. Thinking it would acquaintance. I honestly thought he was never
be yet another black tie event, I shoved it under a going to call, even though he politely asked for my
pile of notes. A couple of weeks later, my copywriter phone number. Mo was 18 months younger than
reminded me to RSVP and I recollect thinking to me, fresh out of university in Boston, and extremely
myself that well, maybe I’ll just go for an hour or so. eager to settle into a new city and make his mark
on the fashion industry. There was no way he
That night on November 13, I brushed on some was interested in a relationship this early into his
make up, threw on high heels and just to keep up Guangzhou journey… and I was in no way interested
with the theme, put a few brightly-colored feathers either. In fact, I promptly forgot we ever met.
in my hair. But as soon as I stepped into the
majestic ballroom of the China Hotel, I immediately And then, exactly 24 hours later… he SMSed me.
realized that I should have pulled out all the He even sent me a Friendster, Facebook and ICQ
stops and dressed to the nines. Everyone was so request. I quickly replied and added him on all three
glamorous, the hors d'oeuvres looked too good to be platforms. Then he called and we spoke for hours,
eaten, the atmosphere was decadent and the lavish soon realizing that we had much more in common

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