P. 9
fidentiality and Cyber- challenging when discussing whether the injury
Security occurs during working time or if the injury is
caused by the employee's performance of their
Under remote working arrangements, the highly work duties. For example, if one employee is
controlled environment of the office is replaced burned when he/she tries to prepare some hot
by an unknown and uncontrolled environment coffee, it could be difficult to prove such injury
focdaetleohrstrearipetttckaheiclrceiioceileadsiemnaelkdomlrtplti(hiotsreaydhtnaeaopqfoshanafcntimlsuCmoanetothieaiercerhcyehrnse,knsmleetsiiouaohengamemttlnehdofdhet'aosireed.aet’loghtgsylnhntshoTynfiimttedosgncHe.haceohreagwCloinoSoaft-swfsoighotmsnltioctehmhinlrwegtonocpliieinadmhucip.bvKaitnzhrn’Telahansodphcnorlhciiinosleineblaifoieseoenrgissfleanknntsog)cdcas(fS.aasyrsiaaeniitmdnthnnctcnootweicroogvactinificumeenettkaiyftiinrlllciioccbdlp)Enaar-apunealeexnatmliosrneasctncci-twytcssaayhoidasehakneimaobusleSrnrableehhahignesroueehdunbeaszsdneh–den occurs in the working time, or if it is related to
smcopcdaeehnaiVfacraslftukPyesnaewrrNgbiienteboe.nysorhctT.dHiTPuPcpitoimnlFhuhgonoahenaoohretivlapdetndwnirarelecoeeedyrucltcleeyrmaern-sachvxaetmcmttt,coanepnaesoehiafnramsoolncedtrno,tkcrttlhsefoypeiiodyiegeernnd(egplnreuwteCetrydsrtthffie,noieihohcdiaaodegcsgrtearienroneritknmiHnaeliaoonmdiineplntnfonstsnsfihcarpigeeionoeaottccuuatsanglewtteanmYsgiernia.vedKnhiguucraveaismtefiaaetoidsnidoitrtsnonediisrceohrnnn)slmgoalrneroiigenmacensamsDnasonoentetitgseorueuhndisdidaonllnrbocefdltiniuctroagffeisGeefvtreraewteigta,evBhnlnhrioshMezdeeAseivenaeysn, the performance of the employee's work duties
(unless, of course, the employee was a barista at
Workset-arrrulyect2lu0ar1at9le,tardanndIslfnaoyrjmuouarttiyaonbloufeapnridndt efoerpethr e a coffee shop).
Determining work place injury is less of an
cooperation within the regional financial issue if the employee is working in the office, as
When is injured, it is often an injury occurring in the office will normally
complicated to determine if the injury is work- be deemed as work-related in practice. Such
related oWr neodt.isTchuesrsesaorme ethorfeethmeakineyfapcotolircsietsointroduced determination is within the realm of regulators
considerb. yFitrhset, dwohceutmheerntth,eainndjuirmypolciccuartsioinnsthfoer and is outside of both the employee's and the
work plabcue;sisneecsosneds.whether the injury occurs in employer's judgement. Given the old saying that
the working time; and third whether the injury most accidents occur in the home, perhaps, an
occurs d2u6e tmoetahseuermesptlooyfeaec'isliptaetrefofrimnaanncciealocfooperation employer should consider some supplementary
work duties. commercial medical insurance for such cases
where the employees might be injured while
The guiding document lays out a series of 26 working from home but not covered as a work-
In the camseeoafsuwroersk, itnhgaftraorme ghuoimdeed, thbey five policy goals related injury.
employeaen'sddsoumpipcoilretmedigbhyt tbheeroecvoegranriczehdinags objective of While there are no direct legal barriers to
a working place if it has been documented as adopting a work from home arrangement there
such in the employment contract. It is more are many legal and policy issues that need to be
considered. Companies may wish to undergo
a comprehensive evaluation and develop a
deployment plan prior to officially implementing
a work from home model.
Please contact any of the Tax and Legal
professionals below for more information on
the impact of working remotely, how it may
impact your business and what you should be
doing now.
Security occurs during working time or if the injury is
caused by the employee's performance of their
Under remote working arrangements, the highly work duties. For example, if one employee is
controlled environment of the office is replaced burned when he/she tries to prepare some hot
by an unknown and uncontrolled environment coffee, it could be difficult to prove such injury
focdaetleohrstrearipetttckaheiclrceiioceileadsiemnaelkdomlrtplti(hiotsreaydhtnaeaopqfoshanafcntimlsuCmoanetothieaiercerhcyehrnse,knsmleetsiiouaohengamemttlnehdofdhet'aosireed.aet’loghtgsylnhntshoTynfiimttedosgncHe.haceohreagwCloinoSoaft-swfsoighotmsnltioctehmhinlrwegtonocpliieinadmhucip.bvKaitnzhrn’Telahansodphcnorlhciiinosleineblaifoieseoenrgissfleanknntsog)cdcas(fS.aasyrsiaaeniitmdnthnnctcnootweicroogvactinificumeenettkaiyftiinrlllciioccbdlp)Enaar-apunealeexnatmliosrneasctncci-twytcssaayhoidasehakneimaobusleSrnrableehhahignesroueehdunbeaszsdneh–den occurs in the working time, or if it is related to
smcopcdaeehnaiVfacraslftukPyesnaewrrNgbiienteboe.nysorhctT.dHiTPuPcpitoimnlFhuhgonoahenaoohretivlapdetndwnirarelecoeeedyrucltcleeyrmaern-sachvxaetmcmttt,coanepnaesoehiafnramsoolncedtrno,tkcrttlhsefoypeiiodyiegeernnd(egplnreuwteCetrydsrtthffie,noieihohcdiaaodegcsgrtearienroneritknmiHnaeliaoonmdiineplntnfonstsnsfihcarpigeeionoeaottccuuatsanglewtteanmYsgiernia.vedKnhiguucraveaismtefiaaetoidsnidoitrtsnonediisrceohrnnn)slmgoalrneroiigenmacensamsDnasonoentetitgseorueuhndisdidaonllnrbocefdltiniuctroagffeisGeefvtreraewteigta,evBhnlnhrioshMezdeeAseivenaeysn, the performance of the employee's work duties
(unless, of course, the employee was a barista at
Workset-arrrulyect2lu0ar1at9le,tardanndIslfnaoyrjmuouarttiyaonbloufeapnridndt efoerpethr e a coffee shop).
Determining work place injury is less of an
cooperation within the regional financial issue if the employee is working in the office, as
When is injured, it is often an injury occurring in the office will normally
complicated to determine if the injury is work- be deemed as work-related in practice. Such
related oWr neodt.isTchuesrsesaorme ethorfeethmeakineyfapcotolircsietsointroduced determination is within the realm of regulators
considerb. yFitrhset, dwohceutmheerntth,eainndjuirmypolciccuartsioinnsthfoer and is outside of both the employee's and the
work plabcue;sisneecsosneds.whether the injury occurs in employer's judgement. Given the old saying that
the working time; and third whether the injury most accidents occur in the home, perhaps, an
occurs d2u6e tmoetahseuermesptlooyfeaec'isliptaetrefofrimnaanncciealocfooperation employer should consider some supplementary
work duties. commercial medical insurance for such cases
where the employees might be injured while
The guiding document lays out a series of 26 working from home but not covered as a work-
In the camseeoafsuwroersk, itnhgaftraorme ghuoimdeed, thbey five policy goals related injury.
employeaen'sddsoumpipcoilretmedigbhyt tbheeroecvoegranriczehdinags objective of While there are no direct legal barriers to
a working place if it has been documented as adopting a work from home arrangement there
such in the employment contract. It is more are many legal and policy issues that need to be
considered. Companies may wish to undergo
a comprehensive evaluation and develop a
deployment plan prior to officially implementing
a work from home model.
Please contact any of the Tax and Legal
professionals below for more information on
the impact of working remotely, how it may
impact your business and what you should be
doing now.