P. 4
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, segmentation, optimized matchmaking
process, this year’s CIFIT will continue to
President, AmCham South China This past month we have been working offer high-end, elaborate, interactive and
Winner of the 2017 Oslo hard with Guangdong Department exclusive services to professional investors,
Business for Peace Award of Commerce and Guangdong Foreign qualified project holders and governmental
Awardedby theAwardCommitteeof Affairs Office to obtain re-entry letters for promotion agencies of various countries,
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics the executives of our member companies, thereby further enhance project
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University our international school teachers, and their matchmaking results and negotiation effect.
families who needed to return to China. We are proud to be a part of this important
Please join me in expressing our thanks to expo once again.
both of the above Guangdong government
agencies for their hard work and the amazing We have been truly surprised at how
support they have provided us. Their remarkably well our series of education
dedication and commitment is truly one of webinars have attracted the attention of
a kind and deserve the highest recognition. our members. Of course, it does help that
I also like to thank United Airlines who we have had participation from the other
have worked closely with us and for having side of the Pacific Ocean from such terrific
helped us bring our executives, teachers and giants in higher education such as Mercer
their families back to Guangzhou. University, the California State University
Since many of our company executives CI, the University of Rhode Island, and
are just returning to South China, we George Washington University. We remain
have worked with our great sponsors and hopeful that the China-US diplomatic
postponed the AmCham Hope Ball to relations will soon clear up the current
November 21st at the LN Garden Hotel in inconvenient situations concerning visa
Guangzhou. On that day, and night, we will application amid COVID-19. US scientific,
celebrate world recovery and the return engineering and health communities
of happier times. Make sure you get your cannot hope to maintain their present
tickets as we have not seen a gala like this position of international leadership if
for some time. It’s not too late if you hurry to they are unable to hire and retain highly
become a sponsor. Give us a call at our office educated foreign talent.
for more details.
We are packing our bags once again A cool breeze begins to blow as we say
for this year’s China International Fair goodbye to the summer months. Fall is
for Investment & Trade (CIFIT) in early often a time of reflection and celebration.
September. CIFIT represents the largest and This year is no different. The Mid-Autumn
best platforms for investment and trade in Festival traditionally falls on the 15th day
the world. It serves as a one-stop platform of the eighth month in the Chinese lunar
for global participants to share investment calendar, which is in September or early
information, tap business opportunities and October in the Gregorian calendar. The
promote bilateral or multilateral economic Mid-Autumn Festival is the second grandest
cooperation and exchange. This will mark festival in China after the Chinese New Year.
the 19th consecutive year our Chamber In China, it's a reunion time for families,
and members have returned to this annual just like Thanksgiving in the United States.
Xiamen expo. Members of the AmCham China’s traditional Mid-Autumn Festival
South China have inked more than two and China’s National Day both fall on
billion U.S. dollars on the average every year, October 1 this year. The first day of October
and it only gets bigger every year. We owe is designated as China's National Day to
the success of our strong delegation to the commemorate the founding of the People's
excellent organization and the high quality Republic of China. To celebrate such an
of arrangement and service provided by event, the first week is known as “Golden
the CIFIT Organizing Committee. The CIFIT Week” for the public holiday. Be safe during
will collect over 30,000 investment projects this time… and prepare for lots of fireworks
around the world and arrange more than and mooncakes.
1,000 matchmaking sessions as well as over
300 B2B meetings. With precise industry
Dr. Harley Seyedin Dear Members, segmentation, optimized matchmaking
process, this year’s CIFIT will continue to
President, AmCham South China This past month we have been working offer high-end, elaborate, interactive and
Winner of the 2017 Oslo hard with Guangdong Department exclusive services to professional investors,
Business for Peace Award of Commerce and Guangdong Foreign qualified project holders and governmental
Awardedby theAwardCommitteeof Affairs Office to obtain re-entry letters for promotion agencies of various countries,
NobelLaureates inPeaceand Economics the executives of our member companies, thereby further enhance project
Visiting Scholar, Jinan University our international school teachers, and their matchmaking results and negotiation effect.
families who needed to return to China. We are proud to be a part of this important
Please join me in expressing our thanks to expo once again.
both of the above Guangdong government
agencies for their hard work and the amazing We have been truly surprised at how
support they have provided us. Their remarkably well our series of education
dedication and commitment is truly one of webinars have attracted the attention of
a kind and deserve the highest recognition. our members. Of course, it does help that
I also like to thank United Airlines who we have had participation from the other
have worked closely with us and for having side of the Pacific Ocean from such terrific
helped us bring our executives, teachers and giants in higher education such as Mercer
their families back to Guangzhou. University, the California State University
Since many of our company executives CI, the University of Rhode Island, and
are just returning to South China, we George Washington University. We remain
have worked with our great sponsors and hopeful that the China-US diplomatic
postponed the AmCham Hope Ball to relations will soon clear up the current
November 21st at the LN Garden Hotel in inconvenient situations concerning visa
Guangzhou. On that day, and night, we will application amid COVID-19. US scientific,
celebrate world recovery and the return engineering and health communities
of happier times. Make sure you get your cannot hope to maintain their present
tickets as we have not seen a gala like this position of international leadership if
for some time. It’s not too late if you hurry to they are unable to hire and retain highly
become a sponsor. Give us a call at our office educated foreign talent.
for more details.
We are packing our bags once again A cool breeze begins to blow as we say
for this year’s China International Fair goodbye to the summer months. Fall is
for Investment & Trade (CIFIT) in early often a time of reflection and celebration.
September. CIFIT represents the largest and This year is no different. The Mid-Autumn
best platforms for investment and trade in Festival traditionally falls on the 15th day
the world. It serves as a one-stop platform of the eighth month in the Chinese lunar
for global participants to share investment calendar, which is in September or early
information, tap business opportunities and October in the Gregorian calendar. The
promote bilateral or multilateral economic Mid-Autumn Festival is the second grandest
cooperation and exchange. This will mark festival in China after the Chinese New Year.
the 19th consecutive year our Chamber In China, it's a reunion time for families,
and members have returned to this annual just like Thanksgiving in the United States.
Xiamen expo. Members of the AmCham China’s traditional Mid-Autumn Festival
South China have inked more than two and China’s National Day both fall on
billion U.S. dollars on the average every year, October 1 this year. The first day of October
and it only gets bigger every year. We owe is designated as China's National Day to
the success of our strong delegation to the commemorate the founding of the People's
excellent organization and the high quality Republic of China. To celebrate such an
of arrangement and service provided by event, the first week is known as “Golden
the CIFIT Organizing Committee. The CIFIT Week” for the public holiday. Be safe during
will collect over 30,000 investment projects this time… and prepare for lots of fireworks
around the world and arrange more than and mooncakes.
1,000 matchmaking sessions as well as over
300 B2B meetings. With precise industry