P. 12
on 'Introducing FDI' and 'Going Global', CIFIT
AmCham of South China is once again focuses on nationality and internationality,
sending a contingency to Xiamen investment negotiation and investment policy
with the anticipation of making billions of promotion, coordinated development of national
dollars worth of trade deals at CIFIT. and regional economy, as well as economic and
trade exchanges across the Taiwan Strait.
China International Fair for Investment
and Trade is among the world’s largest To provide participants with more business
expo featuring bilateral and multilateral opportunities, CIFIT has built up its own mega
investment promotion. Each session database of investors and project holders. With
of CIFIT attracts more than 120,000 the strong partnership of Alibaba Group this
professional participants from more than year, the organizing committee were busy with
110 countries and regions. The expo, project matchmaking happen even before the
which features a series of summits and official commencement of the event.
forums, will mainly focus on security,
the environment, home, healthcare, The International Investment Forum, as well
transportation, education, energy sources, as other authoritative forums and seminars,
agriculture and tourism. will be held during the four-day event. These
forums will focus on new economy, new
CIFIT’s growth has been expediential over infrastructure, Fintech investment, the “Belt
the years. The first CIFIT was hosted in 1997, and Road” Initiative, and numerous other
with 6,200 exhibitors from 52 countries and topics. Participants will explore the business
regions participating, generating US$6.22 opportunities in the world economy, emerging
billion in deals. The 2019 CIFIT featured markets and industries, and discuss the most
15,000 exhibitors from 130 countries and heated topics in the field.
regions inking 2,100 deals worth US$37.5
billion. President Xi Jinping sent a CIFIT is currently China's only international
congratulatory letter to the CIFIT last year, investment promotion event aimed at facilitating
speaking highly of its platforms of cross- bilateral investment. It's also the largest global
border investment promotion, authoritative investment event approved by the Global
information release, and international Association of the Exhibition industry. The expo
investment trend discussion. is scheduled to take place in September 8 to 11 in
Xiamen, China.
CIFIT is co-sponsored by six international
economic organizations: UNCTAD,
President of China Xi Jinping opened CIFIT in 2010.
on 'Introducing FDI' and 'Going Global', CIFIT
AmCham of South China is once again focuses on nationality and internationality,
sending a contingency to Xiamen investment negotiation and investment policy
with the anticipation of making billions of promotion, coordinated development of national
dollars worth of trade deals at CIFIT. and regional economy, as well as economic and
trade exchanges across the Taiwan Strait.
China International Fair for Investment
and Trade is among the world’s largest To provide participants with more business
expo featuring bilateral and multilateral opportunities, CIFIT has built up its own mega
investment promotion. Each session database of investors and project holders. With
of CIFIT attracts more than 120,000 the strong partnership of Alibaba Group this
professional participants from more than year, the organizing committee were busy with
110 countries and regions. The expo, project matchmaking happen even before the
which features a series of summits and official commencement of the event.
forums, will mainly focus on security,
the environment, home, healthcare, The International Investment Forum, as well
transportation, education, energy sources, as other authoritative forums and seminars,
agriculture and tourism. will be held during the four-day event. These
forums will focus on new economy, new
CIFIT’s growth has been expediential over infrastructure, Fintech investment, the “Belt
the years. The first CIFIT was hosted in 1997, and Road” Initiative, and numerous other
with 6,200 exhibitors from 52 countries and topics. Participants will explore the business
regions participating, generating US$6.22 opportunities in the world economy, emerging
billion in deals. The 2019 CIFIT featured markets and industries, and discuss the most
15,000 exhibitors from 130 countries and heated topics in the field.
regions inking 2,100 deals worth US$37.5
billion. President Xi Jinping sent a CIFIT is currently China's only international
congratulatory letter to the CIFIT last year, investment promotion event aimed at facilitating
speaking highly of its platforms of cross- bilateral investment. It's also the largest global
border investment promotion, authoritative investment event approved by the Global
information release, and international Association of the Exhibition industry. The expo
investment trend discussion. is scheduled to take place in September 8 to 11 in
Xiamen, China.
CIFIT is co-sponsored by six international
economic organizations: UNCTAD,
President of China Xi Jinping opened CIFIT in 2010.