P. 7
mit application and transfer your Z visa to Q: Do I need to observe a
your residence permit. compulsory quarantine of 14
days when landing in China?
Q: If I was terminated by the A: Yes. Chinese provinces and cities are
Chinese employer, but my
work permit and residence adopting similar but differentiated quarantine
permit are still valid, may I measures to inbound travelers from overseas
enter China with the valid (the number of days of quarantine varies from
residence permit after the region to region, and the quarantine can be
travel ban is lifted? carried out at designated places or homes).
A: No. The company is responsible to cancel Besides, nucleic acid tests are compulsory for all
overseas passengers entering China by air, sea,
the residence permit of the employee after or land. For example, when you land or transfer
canceling their work permit. If the company did in Shanghai from overseas, you will be subject
not cancel the residence permit and the foreigner to a centralized quarantine of 14 days as well as
enters China with the residence permit, both a nucleic acid test. All the related fees will be at
the company and the foreigner will be punished your own expense.
for breaking the Rules for the Administration of
Employment of Foreigners in China. It will also Q: Which department will be
affect the parties’ other visa and residence permit responsible for announcing
applications in China. new regulations and how can
companies find the relevant
Q: If I am a foreigner but information easily?
holding a permanent resident A: New regulations and policies will be
ID card of China, may I enter
China under the travel ban? published on official WeChat accounts and
A: Yes, foreigners who hold permanent websites of government departments. You can
follow the WeChat account “国家移民管理局”
residence ID cards can enter China normally. (National Immigration Administration) or visit
the NIA’s official website to get information on
the latest policies and regulations. Also, you can
follow WeChat accounts or websites of the local
foreign affairs office to get the information.
your residence permit. compulsory quarantine of 14
days when landing in China?
Q: If I was terminated by the A: Yes. Chinese provinces and cities are
Chinese employer, but my
work permit and residence adopting similar but differentiated quarantine
permit are still valid, may I measures to inbound travelers from overseas
enter China with the valid (the number of days of quarantine varies from
residence permit after the region to region, and the quarantine can be
travel ban is lifted? carried out at designated places or homes).
A: No. The company is responsible to cancel Besides, nucleic acid tests are compulsory for all
overseas passengers entering China by air, sea,
the residence permit of the employee after or land. For example, when you land or transfer
canceling their work permit. If the company did in Shanghai from overseas, you will be subject
not cancel the residence permit and the foreigner to a centralized quarantine of 14 days as well as
enters China with the residence permit, both a nucleic acid test. All the related fees will be at
the company and the foreigner will be punished your own expense.
for breaking the Rules for the Administration of
Employment of Foreigners in China. It will also Q: Which department will be
affect the parties’ other visa and residence permit responsible for announcing
applications in China. new regulations and how can
companies find the relevant
Q: If I am a foreigner but information easily?
holding a permanent resident A: New regulations and policies will be
ID card of China, may I enter
China under the travel ban? published on official WeChat accounts and
A: Yes, foreigners who hold permanent websites of government departments. You can
follow the WeChat account “国家移民管理局”
residence ID cards can enter China normally. (National Immigration Administration) or visit
the NIA’s official website to get information on
the latest policies and regulations. Also, you can
follow WeChat accounts or websites of the local
foreign affairs office to get the information.