Page 37 - The South China Business Journal
P. 37
Cheryl Green Rosario, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility &
Philanthropy, Wyndham Worldwide
Another area that Wyndham and many other While one-off volunteer opportunities are still
companies across the globe are focused on is the important and should still be done, employees want
engagement of their employees. As more employees to go beyond painting a mural, organizing a book
are volunteering in their communities, they are feeling drive or cleaning up a garden, they want a deeper
more engaged and connected to their employer, more impactful experience that connects them to the
resulting in more positive public perception. mission of an organization, thereby having a stronger
connection to their place of employment.
In fact Millennials (the generation born from
1982-2004) are very much focused on engagement. Diversity & Inclusion also enhances a Company’s
According to the 2014 Millennial Impact Report, one- reputation. It is an opportunity to emphasize personal
third of Millennials surveyed said that their company’s connections and draw from the wisdom of employees
volunteer policies affected their decision to apply for a and other stakeholders to better meet the needs of the
job. And 55% said it played a decision on whether to business. At Wyndham, Diversity is at the heart of what
accept an offer. we do. Whether recruiting talent, ensuring we have
diverse suppliers or our employees feeling included
Companies that see employee engagement as a top and empowered, we are celebrating our collective
priority are improving their reputation and are able to understanding and appreciation for each other around
attract top talent. the world.
In addition to the one-off volunteer opportunities I truly believe that if you create the right culture, stay
that provide much needed help at schools, food banks true to your core values, ensure your employees know
and gardens, companies are also looking for ways to and understand what you stand for and are engaged
give their associates a more immersive experience. and you create opportunities for many different voices
to be heard your brand and reputation will organically
I recently spent three days with several of my enhance. Be authentic and genuine and remember to
colleagues seeing our global CSR partner Save the tell a story. I can assure you people are listening.■
Children’s work first hand in the US. It not only gave
my colleagues an opportunity to bond as Wyndham
employees but it also created a deeper connection to
our global partner.
Philanthropy, Wyndham Worldwide
Another area that Wyndham and many other While one-off volunteer opportunities are still
companies across the globe are focused on is the important and should still be done, employees want
engagement of their employees. As more employees to go beyond painting a mural, organizing a book
are volunteering in their communities, they are feeling drive or cleaning up a garden, they want a deeper
more engaged and connected to their employer, more impactful experience that connects them to the
resulting in more positive public perception. mission of an organization, thereby having a stronger
connection to their place of employment.
In fact Millennials (the generation born from
1982-2004) are very much focused on engagement. Diversity & Inclusion also enhances a Company’s
According to the 2014 Millennial Impact Report, one- reputation. It is an opportunity to emphasize personal
third of Millennials surveyed said that their company’s connections and draw from the wisdom of employees
volunteer policies affected their decision to apply for a and other stakeholders to better meet the needs of the
job. And 55% said it played a decision on whether to business. At Wyndham, Diversity is at the heart of what
accept an offer. we do. Whether recruiting talent, ensuring we have
diverse suppliers or our employees feeling included
Companies that see employee engagement as a top and empowered, we are celebrating our collective
priority are improving their reputation and are able to understanding and appreciation for each other around
attract top talent. the world.
In addition to the one-off volunteer opportunities I truly believe that if you create the right culture, stay
that provide much needed help at schools, food banks true to your core values, ensure your employees know
and gardens, companies are also looking for ways to and understand what you stand for and are engaged
give their associates a more immersive experience. and you create opportunities for many different voices
to be heard your brand and reputation will organically
I recently spent three days with several of my enhance. Be authentic and genuine and remember to
colleagues seeing our global CSR partner Save the tell a story. I can assure you people are listening.■
Children’s work first hand in the US. It not only gave
my colleagues an opportunity to bond as Wyndham
employees but it also created a deeper connection to
our global partner.