Page 36 - The South China Business Journal
P. 36
AmCham-U.S. Consulate
CSRSeminar on How
Improves Branding and
Reputation for Business
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that
contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic,
social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders.
- Definition from Financial Times
Building a smart and impactful corporate social deliver significant economic and social benefits which
responsibility program is key in enhancing a results in a stronger brand.
company’s brand and reputation. Ensuring an effective
CSR program comes in as a must as consumers continue Much of my presentation focused on the importance
to vote with their wallets and employees expect of telling a story with your program. Creating a story
their employers to demonstrate their concern for that uplifts communities while also supporting key
communities. The U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou areas of the business can be extremely impactful.
arrived at the AmCham office on Oct 23 to discuss how It is important to engage strong partners, find
to build a successful platform with sustainable growth opportunities for collaborations, engage internal and
that does more than just reflects the business’s ability external stakeholders and make sure your story is one
to give back but truly integrates with company’s core that you can build upon.
mission. During the seminar, a presentation was made
by Cheryl Green Rosario, Director of Corporate Social I’m proud to work for a Company that has a very
Responsibility & Philanthropy, Wyndham Worldwide. compelling story. Wyndham Worldwide has created
Now let's listen what she had to share: a culture of strong values and has provided their
signature Count on Me! Service and a spirit of giving
On Monday, October 23rd, I had the opportunity throughout their businesses as well as their CSR
to speak to local business leaders at the American programs for many years. Wyndham improves the
Chamber of Commerce in South China. Having world by leveraging its core mission – hospitality. They
worked in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) engage their businesses and people to be positive
field for over 15 years, and the NGO field for over 12, agents of change throughout the hospitality industry.
I was thrilled to share with the participants how CSR
improves branding and reputation. From charitable contributions to clothing and
food donations to their carbon and water reduction,
Companies are realizing more and more the value Wyndham Worldwide works with their associates,
of having a strong CSR program. From more engaged customers, shareholders and local communities to
employees, the desire to deliver on the UN’s sustainable minimize their environmental impact and improve
development goals, strengthening the public’s trust communities and customers’ lives.
and customers wanting to feel more connected and
empowered, the data shows a strong CSR program can
AmCham-U.S. Consulate
CSRSeminar on How
Improves Branding and
Reputation for Business
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that
contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic,
social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders.
- Definition from Financial Times
Building a smart and impactful corporate social deliver significant economic and social benefits which
responsibility program is key in enhancing a results in a stronger brand.
company’s brand and reputation. Ensuring an effective
CSR program comes in as a must as consumers continue Much of my presentation focused on the importance
to vote with their wallets and employees expect of telling a story with your program. Creating a story
their employers to demonstrate their concern for that uplifts communities while also supporting key
communities. The U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou areas of the business can be extremely impactful.
arrived at the AmCham office on Oct 23 to discuss how It is important to engage strong partners, find
to build a successful platform with sustainable growth opportunities for collaborations, engage internal and
that does more than just reflects the business’s ability external stakeholders and make sure your story is one
to give back but truly integrates with company’s core that you can build upon.
mission. During the seminar, a presentation was made
by Cheryl Green Rosario, Director of Corporate Social I’m proud to work for a Company that has a very
Responsibility & Philanthropy, Wyndham Worldwide. compelling story. Wyndham Worldwide has created
Now let's listen what she had to share: a culture of strong values and has provided their
signature Count on Me! Service and a spirit of giving
On Monday, October 23rd, I had the opportunity throughout their businesses as well as their CSR
to speak to local business leaders at the American programs for many years. Wyndham improves the
Chamber of Commerce in South China. Having world by leveraging its core mission – hospitality. They
worked in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) engage their businesses and people to be positive
field for over 15 years, and the NGO field for over 12, agents of change throughout the hospitality industry.
I was thrilled to share with the participants how CSR
improves branding and reputation. From charitable contributions to clothing and
food donations to their carbon and water reduction,
Companies are realizing more and more the value Wyndham Worldwide works with their associates,
of having a strong CSR program. From more engaged customers, shareholders and local communities to
employees, the desire to deliver on the UN’s sustainable minimize their environmental impact and improve
development goals, strengthening the public’s trust communities and customers’ lives.
and customers wanting to feel more connected and
empowered, the data shows a strong CSR program can